Chapter Eleven

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Sophie strangled her fingers in the straps of her bag as the lavender fields of Foxfire formed beneath her feet. She really hated returning after the weekend and it didn't help that she'd been having headaches ever since she decided to ignore Fintan's calls. There was too much going on for her to even deal with more of his secrets and plans.
"Hey, Sophie! I haven't seen you all weekend!" Biana waved a hand and Sophie grimaced as her headache blossomed, grass crunching under her feet as she walked over to her.
"Hi Biana, do anything fun over the weekend?"
The pair strolled towards the glass pyramid while Biana explained how Della had started teaching her some new tricks when it came to Vanishing. Sophie couldn't really understand it but she enjoyed seeing Biana's turn into an excited toddler when talking about her ability, bouncing around and speaking with a quick voice. Sophie wished she could share the same feelings about her own abilities.
Dex walked up next to them and without looking up from his Imparter said, "There you are, I've been wondering if you would show up."
Biana turned to Sophie and smiled, "Dex, ever the gentlemen."
Dex's ears turned bright red and he just showed Biana something on his Imparter, "Check this out..."
Sophie let them discuss whatever had caught their attention. She was trying to focus on the words but they just started to sound fuzzy. Fintan was banging on her mental walls, obviously wanting to speak. But Sophie persevered in her mind's fortress, hiding each blow that made her want to curl up inside. She would have visit Elwin before her first class and grab a bottle of youth to get through the rest of the day.
Sophie spun around and waved to Biana and Dex, "Hey, I've got to go. I'll meet you guys for lunch though."
Speeding off into the Healing Center, Sophie was relieved to not have to hide her pain so much. Elwin was waiting outside the doors, talking to a bright yellow haired Year One.
Sophie slowed as she reached them and listened in just as Elwin's finished his sentence, ".... so be careful next time!"
Elwin booped the Year One's nose and they giggled. Elwin's smile grew bigger when he saw Sophie and he excused himself.
Pulling her into the Healing Center, Elwin helped Sophie to a chair. "Here already?"
"I just need bottle of youth, didn't get much sleep last night." Sophie mumbled.
"Of course," Elwin handed her a silvery bottle, "But make sure to get some extra sleep tonight. Please."
Sophie was out of there in a flash, pausing only to repeat a promise of sleep.
Sophie uncorked the vial just outside the Healing Center doors and drank it gratefully. The liquid worked its way through her body and the pounding pain subsided for a few moments. Sophie noticed a bathroom on her right and opened the door, planning to throw away the vial.
Just as the door closed though, a new spark pain hit her and Sophie started to shake. It felt as her mind was on fire, burning her blood just below her skin. Sophie screamed and the vial closed to the floor with a crash, glass tinkling softly across the bathroom floor.
Sophie grabbed at her hair still screaming and felt her legs wobble before completely giving out. Her head hit the ground and Sophie could feel a shard digging its way into her skull.
Just hold on....
But Sophie couldn't see, couldn't hear, she felt nothing but the pain. Her eyes fluttered before shutting her into the darkness.

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