Chapter Six

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Sophie had rarely seen Everglen in the early morning and it was a different kind of beauty than she was used to. Normally most elvin structures were vibrant and sparkling, but in the dim light it gave a soft edge to the castle. Sophie looked around the fields of Everglen carefully before entering, she didn't want a repeat of last night stalkers.
Her feet carried her quickly up to Alden's office, but she stayed a moment outside of it since she as early. Sophie leaned against the doorway, admiring the wall of paintings across from her when she heard exactly what she was fearing.
Sophie turned to her right and sighed upon meeting Fitz's tired, blinking eyes. "Oh, hey."
Fitz approached confused, "I didn't know you were coming."
Sophie gestured to Alden's office, "I'm here for your father. To help with Fintan..... you know."
Fitz nodded and they both looked down at their feet. Sophie cursed herself for not just going in early and spun around gratefully when Alden opened the door.
"Sophie, are you ready?" He asked.
Sophie waved a hand to Fitz and breathed in relief after Alden shut the door behind her. In all the chaos of the Fintan Situation, Fitz and her hadn't really addressed their relationship. They weren't broken up, but Sophie had to admit it was starting to feel like sinking boat. Especially after he pushed her on her knowledge of her biological mother.
Alden interrupted her thoughts and took a seat across from her, "So, I though we could start with opening our minds to each other. Then I want to try to go to the mind limbo with you, I want to see if I can hear Fintan."
Sophie nodded and closed her eyes, grasping Alden's mind and opening the flood gates to her. Their consciousness wrapped up together and the thoughts and memories spun slowly around as their minds mingled.
Perfect. Alright now, can you take me to the limbo?
Sophie paused and Alden sensed her mind's hesitation, I'm right here. He can't hurt you.
Sophie paused again, then nodded and made her consciousness a little brighter so Alden could follow her. He was right, she couldn't be hurt in her mind anyways.
Walking through rows of frozen memories, Sophie hoped he didn't look to close at the ones with his son. She was surprised to find how open she was with Alden, and even more so to find most to his memories darkened to hide their contents. She knew he would obviously have things to hide, but it seemed like a lot.
Are we there? I can't really tell.
Almost, we'll just get to the edge of my mind and step out.
As soon as the words were transmitted they reached her walls. Sophie imagined a door poking through them and Alden's consciousness flowed behind her as they walked out.
Immediately Sophie heard a strained grunt from him.
Are you okay?
Yeah.... I'm fine. I just.... wow, how do you even stay in here for long! It feels like quicksand.
Sophie shrugged embarrassingly, Moonlark, you know.
Alden chuckled and they stopped somewhat in the middle of whatever they were calling it now. I'm going to call out to Fintan now. It might be kind of loud.
Okay, go ahead.
Sophie focused on where the shadows still stayed like passage for Fintan's mind and tried calling out.
Alden cringed, but besides that nothing.
A little louder, but still nothing. Was it Gethen hearing these? Sophie had no idea how it worked but one final yell and a chill flushed into her mind.
Sophie, so good to-
He paused and Sophie knew he must have noticed Alden. Can you hear him? She asked.
Yes, Alden said bitterly, Fintan I presume.
The Alden Vacker. Wow, I never thought I would see the day we would be meeting here.
Me neither, Alden responded curtly.
To what to I owe the delightful pleasure? Fintan's voice was dripping with sweetness and sarcasm, a usual default.
I'm here to tell you to stay out of Sophie's head you coward.
Alden's voice should have been commanding, but even Fintan could hear the strain.
What can you do, you're barely here. With Gethen's mental energy linked to my mind I can come and go as I please. You on the other hand...
Fintan's shadow rushed forward and Alden's consciousness was suddenly flung back towards Sophie and Alden's walls. His light was dimming and Sophie could tell he wouldn't be able to stay much longer.
Stop this! Sophie yelled, turning on Fintan. Alden's had completely retreated back now and Sophie knew she had to leave any second.
His shadows shrugged and they returned like dogs to his feet. I'd suggest you'd top trying to fight this. You'll see soon enough, perhaps within the next few minutes. I have to go course, but I doubt you'll stay silent for long.
And just like that he disappeared. Sophie opened her eyes with a gasp, vaguely aware of someone shaking her. But it wasn't Alden. Sophie opened her eyes to see the watery ones of Forkle, looking at her with wrinkles lined in pain.
Tears gathered in the corners of his eyes and Sophie looked around to see her friends sharing the same glazed eyes.
Jumping up with a stomach nearly at her feet, she asked. "What happened?"
Forkle sighed and his voice caught, "There's been an attack. Atlantis has completely fallen."

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