Chapter Thirteen

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Once the general worry and lung squeezing hugs had passed, a more curious tone was set across the room. Grady was the first to question Sophie's state.
Livvy and Sophie had agreed to keep the Fintan Headache a secret, so Sophie answered saying, "Livvy said I was dehydrated and I ended up fainting in the bathroom while I was throwing away an empty elixir bottle. That's how I got the cut."
Sophie gestured to it and she could see Grady's eyes trace it worriedly. To keep the pity party at bay, Sophie quickly added. "I'm fine though, you didn't really all have to come here. I mean, how did you guys get here so fast?"
Luckily no one questioned her messy subject change. Biana picked up a random elixir and inspected it, "We were waiting at your house to surprise you with a sleepover. I thought we could all use a break lately."
"That's a great idea." Sophie jumped up, just excited to get out of there.
Livvy had to her own ideas though. "Woah woah woah, one last thing and then you can leave."
Using a cloth, Livvy wiped away the gray paste on her forehead and judging by the mostly calm expressions of her friends Sophie guessed the cut hadn't left a scar.
"Thank you." Sophie whispered as she passed Livvy, squeezing her hand to let her know Sophie's descion about the mind elixir was still the same.
She leaped back to Havenfield with only her friends, Grady and Edaline staying back to grab a few elixirs for what they called their "Sophie Kit." Although Sophie had gotten away with the story, there was still a feeling of suspicion that Keefe radiated. Narrowing her eyes, Sophie regretted ever befriending an Emptah.
"Look, I know you aren't a big fan of this, but I really really want to try out a braid on your hair. Just one," Biana twirled Sophie's hair in her hands as the group made their way to Sophie's room, "Maybe it will even shut Vertina up for the week."
"I highly doubt that Ms. Vacker." The pitchy voice of Vertina echoed from the bathroom and they all giggled, closing the door on their way into the main part of her room.
"Hey, where do you guys keep the blankets and pillow?" Fitz asked.
Sophie waved towards the hallway, "Closet to your left. Ooh! Make sure to grab a few extra so we can make a fort."
Keefe stretched dramatically like an Olympic athlete once Fitz had left, "You shouldn't leave it up to Fitzy over there. Foster, you ought to know, you're talking to the Fort King."
Sophie was pulled to the bed by Biana and Linh, giving Keefe a smile. "Fort King, how cute," Sophie dropped her smile to a serious face, "I'm the god of forts Keefe."
Keefe raised his eyebrows, "Do I sense a fort competition coming on?"
"Yes!" Fitz cheered from the door, barely able to be seen over the teetering stack of pillows in his arms.
Dex grabbed a few from Fitz's hands and set up a few makeshift beds in the corner for sleeping later. "There, now, Boys versus girls?"
Biana yanked on Sophie's hair, "Are you sure you want to lose that quickly?"
Suddenly Tam stepped out of the shadows and laughed, "Ha, as if."
Linh finished Sophie's braid, patted her on the head with pride, and grabbed a pillow from Dex. "Thirty minutes, steadiest and best fort wins."
"Game on!" Keefe crowed.
Sophie took a couple pillows and her and Biana started the base. Although it had to be sturdy, it needed to be impressive too. Basing it off a human sandcastle, the girls set up mini towers throw pillows and once the castle was finished they even put a small blanket on the top like a flag.
Sophie admired the two floored pillow mansion with pride. Her title as Fort God would not be rivaled today.
Spinning around Sophie smirked to see the boys struggling. Fitz was the only one actually doing any work. But every structure he set up was toppled by Keefe and Tam's fighting. Dex just watched them form the side with a blanket pulled around himself.
"Okay, okay, I think it is obvious we have won." Sophie smiled to Biana and Linh.
Keefe flew by them, wrestling with Tam. "No I- TAM!!"
Sophie laughed as they crashed into their own fort and Fitz dropped the pillows with a defeated sigh. But suddenly, her mind echoed with a blurry voice that sounded like it was underwater. In the midst of the fight, no one seemed to notice Sophie's hitched breaths yet. She tried to stay calm and searched for the reason of the echo. It was found in the yelling voice of Fintan, beating against her mind's walls again.
Sophie pulled herself over and whispered to Linh she had to go to the bathroom. The rosy cheeked girl smiled, her eyes glued to the rubble of the boy's fort.
Closing the bathroom door behind her, Sophie answered Fintan's call.
Fintan's voice was angry to say the least. There you are, I've been calling for you all DAY!
Sophie rolled her eyes, I was blocking you. You don't dictate when we speak.
And how did that go? Fintan spat.
Of course he knew about her passing out, he always knew. Yes, I passed out. But I'm glad that we get to talk now so I can finally tell you to stop. This whole talk-whenever-you-want thing is over. I'm telling you to stop.
Fintan's laughed drily, I don't really care. You don't have the time to argue anyways.
What do you mean? Sophie felt she was getting tired of asking the same question.
I need you to meet me outside the sanctuary in ten minutes. Bring no one and tell no one of course.
And why would I do that? Do I look dumb?
No, just oblivious. But you will come, I mean unless...
His voice drifted off as an image floated into the space. It was Amy.
Tied up in the snow, lips as blue as the sky.
In shock, Sophie doubled over at the sight and her chest hit the counter with a loud bang, surely leaving her a bruise for tomorrow. Sophie's started to gasp for air like a fish out of water, gulping with fear.
Fintan had Amy.

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