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(Y/N P.O.V.)

He looked at me, shocked at what I had just said.

"(Y/n) that's not true. You have so many people who care about you."

"But all I do is make them worry. I'm constantly trying to cover up my feelings so I don't have to be a burden on them but it never works, they always catch me..."

"(Y/n), like I said before, I promise you that your not a burden on anyone." He said.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and calmed down a little.

'he's lying.'

'nobody cares about you at all.'


"Y-your just lying t-to make me feel better..."

"I'm not (y/n), your not a burden. The people who care about you want to help you, I want to help you."

'all you do is hurt people who care about you'

'they'd all be better off without you'

'just die'

A single tear rolled down my cheek.

"(Y/n)?" He said.

The realisation hit me that I had zoned out.

I looked up at him.


"I'm not (y/n), your not a burden. The people who care about you want to help you, I want to help you." I said.

She's clearly still suicidal, I also need to figure out how to bring up what Kirishima said without upsetting her more.

She appeared to have zoned out, whatever she was thinking about was clearly upsetting her.


She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"What are you thinking about (y/n)?" I asked her.

"D-don't worry about it... I-it's stupid." She said.

"I don't care I it's stupid, I won't judge you."

If I could get her to open up I might be able to help her more.

She stayed quiet for a second before she started speaking.

"There's t-this voice in my head... It's not like I hear voices... T-the voice is me... It's difficult to explain..."

"It's alright, I understand what you mean. What does the voice say?"

"...." She stayed quiet.

"Please tell me (y/n)."

".... That I'm a b-burden and everyone would be better off without me. That I'm fat. That all I do is hurt people. That I deserve pain.... T-that I should just die...."

In that moment I realised she was struggling a lot more than I thought she was.

"(Y/n) none of things are true."

"N-no.... T-they are...." She said with tears flowing down he cheeks.

"I should just d-die-" I pulled her into a hug. I didn't know any other way to try and calm her down.

She starts to cry harder.
"Shhh, it's ok." I say rubbing her back.

She calmed down after about 10 minutes.

my hero academia 𝕏 depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now