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(Y/N P.O.V.)

I got out of bed the next morning. I knew what I was going to do later, and nobody was stopping me.

I pulled on my uniform and went to breakfast, remembering my promise to Bakugo.

I went over the the kitchen to try and eat some food.

I sat down beside Jiro and Kaminari.
Iida set a plate of pancakes down infront of me. Bakugo shot me a look from across the table.

I slowly nibbled one of the pancakes on the plate. Kirishima smiled at me from across the table as if he was saying 'good job, I so proud of you!'
It made me smile a little.

I managed to eat a full pancake and then half of another one before I started to feel sick.

Everyone started to head off for school.

"I'm gonna go get my bag." I said before leaving the table.

"Me too." Bakugo said as he got up and followed me.

One we got to the corridors he started to walk beside me.

I looked at him with a confused expression.

"I'm making sure you don't go and puke up your breakfast." He said.

I got my bag and we walked over to the school building.

I know not to write notes to people this time because then they tried to stop me. My plan is to just take all the pills and go about like normal until I die. I'll hide a note somewhere in my room for them to find.

We arrived at class, I sat down at my desk and put m head down. I couldn't be bothered talking to people, I didn't have the energy to pretend today.

Aizawa arrived in his yellow sleeping bag like usual.

School went by like normal until lunch time.

I didn't buy lunch as usual and sat down at a table with Uraraku, midoriya and Iida.

"(Y/n) you should eat, it is important for a young student to have a healthy diet....." Iida continued to ramble on with his usual hand chopping motions.

"Iida stop you making her uncomfortable." Midoriya said.

Iida sat down.

"I humbly apologize..." He started rambling again.

"But he does have a point though (y/n), you should eat something. Even if it's small like an apple."

"It's fine, I had a big breakfast..."

"No you didn't, you only ate one pancake."

I paused trying to think of an excuse. Uraraka handed me an apple.

"Here! You can have this." She smiled.

"T-thanks..." I said.

I took the apple and reluctantly bit into it. I noticed that midoriya still looked slightly concerned but I didn't pay any attention to it.

I finished the apple and got up. I felt a little dizzy but I shook it off and put the apple core in the trash.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I said while walking off.

I made my way over to the girls bathrooms and locked myself in a stall.

I put my (h/l) hair behind my ears and put my fingers down my throat. I threw up the apple with tears streaming down my face, I hated the feeling of being sick.

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