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(Y/N P.O.V.)

Basically the whole summary of form room was us getting our timetables. 1A, we don't seem to have to move out of the classroom alot. I had thought we would have a different teaching class but I guess not.

We had a few minutes before our next class started so I got up and tried to get over my shyness. I introduced myself to a few people I met a girl who looked like an alien, her name is mina ashido. She's very happy and bubbly. I also met denki and kiroshima. Then I tried to introduce myself to an ash blonde haired boy who was sitting on a desk close to the back of the room.
"Hi I'm (y/n) it's nice to meet y-"
He cut me off.
"What do you want!" He snapped at me.
"I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm sorry..."
I could hear the classroom quiet down after he shouted.
"Well I don't want to know your name fat bitch."
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
"I-i'm sorr-ry.."
I felt so nervous I could throw up. I hated that everyone was staring at me. I didn't know what to do so i ran out of the classrooms to find the bathroom. The dizzy feeling from yesterday was coming back.

When I got to the bathroom, it was thankfully empty. I opened one of the stall doors and slammed it shut again, then locked it.

'Fat bitch'

'stop overreacting'

I went to pull my phone out of my pocket to see how long I had before the next class but then I felt something else. It was the blade from this morning...

I tried to reason with myself but it was no use. I rolled up my sleeve and cut a third line on my wrist. The nervous feeling started to fade.

I heard the door leading to the hall open a little.
"(Y/n) are you right?"
It sounded like iida, the must be why he didn't come in.
I panicked and accidentally dropped the blade.
"(Y/n), what was that are you ok in there?"
I picked up the blade and threw it back into my blazer pocket.
"i'm fine"
"Class is starting soon, the others sent me to see if you were ok."
The others? Does that mean people actually care about me.
"I'll be out in I second, wait there."
I sniffled a little and wiped the tears from my face. The whole class probably thinks I'm really sensitive now, I mean I am but I was just so nervous and when that blonde guy said that I think I just snapped.

I rolled down my sleeve and left the bathroom. Iida started walking me back to class.
"(Y/n), I think your arm is bleeding."
I looked down at my hand to see a trail of blood. I must have forgotten to try and stop my arm from bleeding.
"I-i uhm- uh-"
I tried to think of an excuse so I didn't worry him.
"(Y/n), are you ok, what happened to your arm?"
I couldn't get any words to come out from my mouth.
"Can I see what happened to it so I can help?"
I panicked, what am I gonna do. I don't want anyone to worry about me.
"No, it's fine."
I didn't know what else to say. He just looked more concerned now.
"It doesn't look fine, let me see please."
I reached out to try and grab my arm but I pulled away.
"Wait a minute (y/n) are you..."
"No it's just- I just-"
I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
"(Y/n), show me your arm."
"No it's fine promise-"
"Then show me your arm."
There was nothing I could do at this point. I reluctantly and slowly lifted up my sleeve revealing the bleeding cut and the other two from before.
He looked worried about me and I started to feel guilty. The tears started to roll down my face. I couldn't help but cry.
"I'm s-sorry iida.."
I said through tears.
He walked over to me and hugged me tightly.
"Please (y/n), never do that again."
I couldn't find the words, I didn't know what to say. All I could do was cry.

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