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(Y/N P.O.V)

I woke up the next morning. Today was the day I would end it all. I had set my alarm for an hour earlier than normal. I opened a drawer in my room and took out a notebook and pen. I wrote a note for each person I was close to and who had helped me.
Iida, Bakugo and Kirishima.

I finished writing them and put them into my blazer pocket. I also wrote a suicide note in general so when someone found me they'd know that it was suicide and I wasn't killed.

I lifted my bag and walked to class.

I arrived at form room and talked to everyone. Bakugo asked me if I was ok and so did Kirishima. I just said I was fine to both of them. I wanted to make my last day with them normal.

Mr Aizawa arrived at the classroom and did all the normal teacher things that teachers do. After form he also asked me if I was ok, again I said I was fine.

(Time skip to last period)

At the end of last period the teacher pulled me aside when everyone was leaving.
"(Y/n) do you have something on your mind? You seem really unfocused today." He asked
"Yeah I'm fine, just tired."
"Ok, see you tomorrow kiddo."
I knew that I wouldn't see him again tomorrow and it made me a little sad. But it was for the better.

I walked back to the dorms and slipped the notes I had written for Bakugo Iida and Kirishima under their doors.

I put my bag into my room and began walking back to the school building. I walked up the stairs and eventually reached the door to the roof top. A walked over to the edge and sat down. I took the note I had written out of the pocket and held it. The sun slowly turned bright orange and started to go down.


I was in my dorm room and a note slid under my door. It had my name on it. I picked it up and opened it. The words I read made my heart drop.

'Dear Bakugo,
I'm sorry for what I'm about to do but it's for the better.
I'll cause less bother to people if I'm not here.
I love you and I'm sorry.

I was frozen in shock for a second. I ran out of my room and started banging on Kirishima's door.

He opened the door with a really worried expression on his face.
"Did she write you one too?"
"Where is she?! We need to stop her!"
"Maybe we should ask Iida? He maybe got a note too."
Seconds after Iida came running down the hall.
"I'm assuming you both got a note too?"
We both nodded
"Ok, I'll go and get Mr Aizawa. Bakugo you go and check her room and anywhere else around the dorms. Kirishima go and check the school roof top. If we don't find her we'll meet on the roof top." Iida said
We all nodded and began searching.

I kicked open (y/n)'s dorm. She wasn't there. Then I stared looking around different places around our dorms that she might be.


I started running towards the school building and saw what looked to be a figure sitting on the edge of the roof.
'that has to be her.' I thought to myself

I got inside and ran up the stairs and fast as I could. I reached the top and opened the door roughly.

"(Y/N)!!" I screamed

(Y/N P.O.V)

I sat on the edge of the building watching the sun go down. I took my shoes off and set them on the ground. The more I thought about jumping the more nervous I got. I took the note out of my pocket and held it.

Then I heard the door burst open.
It was Kirishima. I stood up.
"Please... Just let me die.." a tear rolled down my cheek.
"It wouldn't be very many of me to do that." He was on the brink of tears but he smiled at me.
His hero instincts must have kicked in , he slowly started walking towards me.
"Please don't jump (y/n)"
"Don't try to reason with me, I've made up my mind. The world will be better off without me." I said through tears.
I turned around and looked down at the ground. It was a high drop.
A tear rolled down my cheek. I lifted my arms and started to tip forwards. I waited to feel the wind against my face but instead I felt Kirishima pull me back by my shirt collar. We fell backwards and he broke my fall. I didn't even know what to say, all I could do was cry. He hugged me tightly and we sat up.
"Shhh, it's ok" he had such a calming voice.
"P-please.. just let me jump..." I cried
He hugged me tighter
"It wouldn't be the same without you here (y/n)"
"But it would be better"
"No it wouldn't, everyone would miss you so so much (y/n)..."
I had dropped the suicide note I was holding. Kirishima picked it up and put it in his pocket.
Bakugo rushed through the rooftop doors.
He ran over and hugged me with Kirishima.
He was crying. I felt so guilty, I still wanted to jump though.
I was crying so hard I felt dizzy. Neither Kirishima or Bakugo had let go of the hug. I was curled up in a ball and they were both hugged around me. I felt safe.
"I love you so much (y/n).... Please never do that again..." Bakugo said.
I didn't even know how to answer. I just felt so guilty.
"We should probably move somewhere else before it gets dark." Kirishima said.
Bakugo nodded.
They both released me from the hug.
They both stood up and so did I.
I felt dizzy when I stood up. I was nervous, sad guilty. I don't know what I was feeling but I didn't like it.
We started walking towards the doors.

When we reached the doors I stopped for a second. I hesitated and slammed the door behind them. I locked it.
I heard Bakugo shouting and banging on the door.
"(Y/N) OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" I could hear them crying.
"(Y/N) PLEASE DON'T DO IT!" I was still crying. I turned away from the door and stood on the edge of the building. I looked down at the ground. It was a long drop. Just as they had broken down the door I had lifted my arms and tipped forwards off the building.
"(Y/N)!!" I'm not even sure which one of them said it. I felt the wind rushing through my (h/l) hair. I waited for the feeling of me hitting the ground. But I didn't. It felt like I had landed in someone's arms the way that you would hold a baby. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Iida looking down at me with a worried expression on his face. I could tell he was on the brink of tears.
I burst into tears. I was crying so much I felt like I was going to pass out. Iida set me down on the ground. I curled up in a ball with my head in my arms. I felt so guilty. Iida sat down and hugged me. "It's ok (y/n) I'll be your hero..."


I was rushing towards the roof top of the building. I was almost at the top when I heard kirishima and bakugo break open the door and then scream for (y/n). My hero instincts kicked in and I used my quirk to get to the bottom of the building to try and catch her if she had jumped. I got to the bottom of the building and caught her just in time. She was worryingly light, she was about as heavy as my 10 year old cousin.
I looked down at her and she burst into tears. I thought it was a little awkward that I was still holding her so I set her down. She curled up into a ball. I sat down beside her and hugged her tightly. "It's ok (y/n) I'll be your hero..." I could feel a few tears fall down my cheeks.

(Y/N P.O.V)

Bakugo and kirishima came rushing through the doors.
They both practically jumped on to me. They hugged me really tight and didn't let go.
Soon after Aizawa came rushing over.
"Can someone explain to me what happened here?" He asked.
Iida got up and they walked a few metres away before they started talking.
Kirishima let go of the hug and took the note out of his pocket. I panicked. I had poured my heart into that note because I thought I'd be dead by the time anyone read it.
He began unfolding it.
"No-" I tried to take it back from him but he stood up before I could grab it. He started reading it and I watched his facial expression become more sad by the second. By the time he had finished reading it he was in tears. He pulled me back into a tight hug again. "I'm so sorry I didn't know how you were feeling!"
I was still crying.
"I-im sorry... Please don't blame yourself..."
Bakugo took the note from kirishimas hands and read it. I was facing the other way so I couldn't see how he reacted. A couple of second later he slammed him self on to me and hugged me tightly.
"Don't ever do that again!" I felt one of his tears land on my shoulder.

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