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(Y/N P.O.V.)

I went back into my room and got into my bed. I lay there for a good 10 minutes. I couldn't clear my head. My thoughts were keeping me awake.

'everyone hates you'


'you don't deserve anything'

I tried to ignore it but it was starting to get to me. I shut my eyes tightly and felt the tears start to form in my eyes.
I was annoyed at myself for letting it get to me.


'all you do is upset people'

I got out of bed and lifted the plant pot. I lifted the blade from underneath it and walked over to my bed. I drew a few lines on my arm with the blade.

'you told Bakugo you wouldn't do anything, your such a bad person'

The tears in my eyes started to fall down my cheeks. Then I heard a knock on my door.

"(Y/n), you good in there?"

I panicked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine-e."

It was Kaminari. I suppose it was reasonable that he was conserned since I only told Bakugo that I was leaving.

"Your sure?, you sound a little off."


I felt the blood run down my arm, on to my elbow and landed on the pajama pants I was wearing.

Some of it had run on to the sleeve of my pajama top as well.

"great..." I mumbled to myself.



"You sure your ok in there? You just seem really off."

I finished cleaning the blood off my arm and rolled down my sleeve.
I got up of my bed and opened the door.

"I'm fine." I said

"What's that red stuff on your sleeve?"

"Oh- uhm- it's red ink! I broke a red pen and it spilled on my sleeve."

"oh ok."

Jiro appeared.

"Denki what's taking you so long?"

"Just checking on (y/n) cause she disappeared."

"Ah ok."

"(Y/n) what's that stain on your sleeve? and it looks like there's one on your pajama pants too."

"Uhm- it's red pen ink."

"Ok..." she said sounding slightly concerned.

"Well I'm gonna head back to bed now." I said with a fake smile on my face.

"Ok, see ya tomorrow (y/n)" jiro said smiling. Denki walked off with her and waved, also smiling.

I walked back into my room and closed the door. I put the blade back under the plant pot.

"that was a close one" I said under my breath

I can tell they were a little concerned but I think they believed me.

I got back into bed and shut my eyes again, trying to sleep.


after we walked away I pulled Denki into my room since it was close to (y/n)'s.

I closed the door behind me.

"I can't shake the feeling that something's up with (y/n)" I said

"Yeah she seemed really off."

"And that stain on her sleeve was kinda weird do you think it's- ya know..." He was looking for the right words.

"That time of the month?"



"I think she might be hurting herself..."

"Should we ask her about it?" He asked

"Yeah probably..."

"We can ask her tomorrow morning before class"


"Well let's go help the others clean up the mess we made"


I was actually pretty worried about her. I know what it's like and I don't wanna think anybody's feeling like that.


Sorry this chapter's so short 😅
Also thanks for so many reads :)

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