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(Y/N P.O.V.)

I had been lying in my bed for hours now. Crying, drifting in and out of sleep and overthinking. I knew that everyone was back from school since Bakugo came to check on me and so did jiro a while after.

When Kirishima left I got a blade out of the bathrooms and hid it under one of my pillows. I was starting to consider just ending it all but the more I thought about it I started thinking about everyone being upset. I don't know why they would be though because its just me. I had made a few small cuts on my thigh but that was all I had done. I put my face into my pillow to muffle the sound of my crying.


I made sure that (y/n) was ok and started to head back to class. I opened the door and everyone looked at me including Mr. Aizawa.

"Why are you late?" He said in his usual tired tone.

"I'll explain after class."

"Alright, go take a seat."

I went and sat down at my desk.

(Time skip to after class)

I waited for everyone to leave and them I got up to go talk to Mr. Aizawa.

"Does this have anything to do with (y/n) leaving early?" He asked.

I nodded

"Yeah it does."

"What happened?" He asked.

"She passed out in the canteen, she hasn't been eating."

"Do mean she's been starving herself?" His usual monotone voice was starting to sound worried.

I nodded again.

"I was talking to her about it and then I took her back to the dorms."

"Is she safe there on her own?" He asked.

"I checked her dorm room for anything she could use to hurt herself but there wasn't anything in there."

"You did the right thing but next time time take her to me, we can't risk leaving her on her own while she's upset."

I nodded again.

"I'll be there to check on her around dinner. Don't push her to go, I wanna talk to her."

"Ok, but she hasn't eaten anything for a while now and anything she eats she goes and throws it back up again. She really should eat something, I'm worried about her." I was on the verge of tears. I couldn't stand seeing one of my friends in pain like that.

"Don't worry Kirishima I'll talk to her, I'm sure she'd appreciate how worried you are."

"Thank you sir." I said wiping my eyes to stop the tears from falling.

"You can go back to class now."

I nodded and left. I walked out of the classroom door and saw Bakugo leaning against the wall with his arms folded. He walked over to me and looked angry and worried.

"I heard everything shitty hair."

"Why were you ease dropping?!" I asked.

"I was was waiting for you, why didn't you come get me when she passed out in the canteen?!"

"I panicked I didn't now what to do!"

"Well next time come and get me you hear me!?"

"Ok, ok I will."

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