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(Y/N P.O.V.)

About 3 weeks had gone by since Mr Aizawa had had that conversation with me. I was still thinking about what he had said.

'one cut too deep and it could all be over.'

We had moved into dorms now which didn't make to much of a difference for me since my mother was always at work. The only thing was it meant I would have to be more careful with what I wore incase someone saw my arms. The last thing I needed was more people worrying about me.

Mr. Aizawa had signed me up to see the school counselor weekly now. I'm assuming he would have tried to phone my mother to tell her but she was always busy with work. Most of the time I just lied to the counselor and told her I was fine. I think Iida thinks I've stopped cutting but he still keeps an eye on me.

It was the end of the day and we were all walking back to our dorms. Indie what I usually did. Threw my bag down in my dorm room forgetting to close the door. I opened the bed side drawer and pulled out one of my blades. I rolled up my sleeve, I was starting to run out of room on my arms. I cut I few lines on my arm. Then I heard someone shouting.
it was Bakugo, I forgot to shut my door.
He rushed over to me and snatched the blade out of my hand. He looked worried, I didn't really think that he would've cared about me.
The angry tone he had before dropped into a sad one. I bursted into tears, I just didn't know what to say anymore.


I was walking down to my dorm to put my bag away but then I saw that (y/n)'s door was open and peeked in a little as I walked by, then I saw what she was doing. I threw my bag down and ran in to take the blade away from her. "(Y/n) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" I felt angry at first because I hadn't noticed that she was hurting. The anger turned into a feeling of guilt.
I wanted to know so I could help her. Then I turned my eyes to see her arm cover in red lines and few fresh cuts that were still bleeding, I was glad that I had found her before she went to far.
She started crying.
"I'm so sorry-"
I pulled her into a hug.
"Shhh, it's ok..."
I tried my best to comfort her but I'm not sure if it worked.

(Y/N P.O.V.)

Bakugo tried to comfort me. He didn't hut me as the kind of person who would be so caring. I felt a safe warm feeling when he hugged me.

He released me from the hug and looked at my arm again.

"Is it only on one arm or both?"
He asked.
I rolled up my other sleeve to reveal the other arm full of cuts the whole way up. He looked like he was on the edge of tears.

The blood coming from my arm where I had just cut dripped on to the bed.
"You should probably get that bandaged up." He said.

"I'll be right back."
He walked out and closed the door behind him.


I walked out of (y/n)'s room to go and get medical supplies.
'who would have that sort of thing?' I thought to myself. The first person that came into my head was Iida so I made my way over to his room.
I knocked on the door.
He opened it and looked a little weirded out to see me standing there.
"Hello Bakugo"
He said.
"Do you have a first aid kit?"
"Yes, what for?"
Damn it I forgot to think of an excuse.
"Uhm- (y/n) cut her knee and I don't want it to get infected or anything."
The way I said it sounded suspicious.
"Wait-" he sounded worried.
"Did she-" he was sort of hinting if she might have cut herself. I didn't know that Iida knew about it.
I nodded.
"Can I help?, I have a little medical experience"
"Uh- sure"
We walked back to her room.

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