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(Y/N P.O.V.)

We arrived back to class we were a few minutes late.
I think our first class was English. Kids opened the do and I felt everyone look at us. The teacher turned his head to look at me and Iida.
"Why are you guys late?" He asked.

"(Y/n) fell over and hit her head. I insisted she went to the nurse to get it checked over."
I appreciated that he had already thought of an excuse.
"That's fine go and take your seats."
We both proceeded to walk to our seats and then sit down.

We all sat through our boring classes waiting until it was lunch. Finally the bell rang.

Iida came over to me.
"Let's go to the canteen."
I got up and we walked together. He kept his promise. He did say he would be keeping a close eye on me and sitting with me at lunches.

We eventually got out food and sat down at our table. I played around with my food a little. I didn't feel like eating I just felt guilty and that heavy sad feeling I had alot.

"Why aren't you eating (y/n)?"

"I'm just not very hungry I guess."

"You should try to eat anyways. It's important."


I took his advice and managed to eat about half of the food on my plate.

Midoriya and Ururaka approached us and asked if they could sit with us.
Iida and my agreed and they say down.

We spoke to eachother for most of lunch and then walked back to class together.

When we arrived back a bit with red spikey hair dragged that ash blonde kid up to me.

"Now say it!" The red haired boy said in a slightly angry tone.

"I'm sorry for saying those mean things to you." He said. I could tell he was forced to do it.

"It's fine don't worry about it."

The red haired boy nudged him.
"I'm katsuki bakugo."

"I'm (y/n) (l/n)" I said trying to be nice. I could tell how much effort it must have taken the red haired boy to make him apologize.
"I'm Eijiro kirishima." He smiled. He had spikey teeth.
"I hope we can be friends ." He smiled at me again.
"Me too." I smiled back.

The bell rang and we all sat down in our seats.

(Time skip to the end of the day)

Me and Midoriya walked home together since we lived close.
Finally I arrived home. I did the same as always. I dumped my bag at the door, we upstairs and flopped on to my bed.

I thought about everything that happened today. The tears started welling up in my eyes.

'your such a burden'

I thought to myself. My urges to cut started to get worse by the second. The tears started flowing down my cheeks.

I pulled the blade out of my pocket and rolled up my sleeve and ripped off the bandage Iida had put on my arm earlier that day. I didn't just cut once this time I cut one line. That then turned into two which then turned into three.

I ran into the bathroom realising what I had just done. I ran my arm under the tap to try and clean it and then grabbed some toilet paper to try and stop it from bleeding.

'what have I done.'

'what will I do when we need to wear our training outfits'

'I'm such an awful person.'

All the different thoughts flooded through my head. My breathing got faster and I started to feel dizzy. The fat warm tears started to flow down my face again. All I could do is curl up into a ball and wait for the feeling to go away.

After about 15 minutes I finally managed to calm down. My arm seemed to have stopped bleeding so I rolled my sleeve down again. I walked back into my room and got changed into a (f/c) long sleeved shirt and some black sweat pants.

I lay down on my bed and looked at the time on my phone. It was around 6:30pm. I started to get a little hungry so I went downstairs and saw a note on the counter.

'I'll be home a bit later tonight so here's some money so you can order some pizza.

I smiled. I love how she cares so much about me even when she's stressed with work.

I picked up the phone and ordered my pizza. It arrived about 30 minutes later.

I watched a movie while I ate the pizza. When the movie was over I started to binge another random series I found.

I looked at the clock and saw it was getting late so I went to bed.

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