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Me and Ururaka eventually found 1.A. we opened the door to see the whole class in their seats and the teacher standing at the front. He had long dark hair and a weird scarf and a tired look on his face.

"I'll let this slide since it's only your first day, take your seats."

As I walked over to my seat I felt everyone looking at me. I've always hated that feeling, mainly because I don't know what they're thinking when they look at me.

After I sat down the teacher started what he was saying again so me and Ururaka knew what we had missed out on.

"I'm Mr. Aizawa and I'll be your teacher this year" he didn't sound like he wanted to be there, he just sounded tired.

"Today is your first day so we'll be doing quirk assesments, get your training gear on and meet on the training field"

Everyone had an excited look on their faces when he told us to put on our training gear. It was pretty exciting considering it was our first time wearing it. I got changed in the corner of the changing rooms, I didn't want any of the others to see me, I don't really know why.

Once we were all changed we gathered on the training field.

"Today we'll be doing your quirk assesments. The assesment will be to see how far you can throw this ball using your quirk."

I didn't really know how I was going to use my quirk to throw a ball. My quirk isn't very good for that kind of thing.

I went over to Mr. Aizawa to ask if I could sit this one out so I didn't embarrass myself. He was was actually very understanding about it and just asked me questions about my quirk instead, I didn't think he'd be so nice about it.

(Time skip to the end of the day, after school)

"Hey (y/n)"

I turned around to see that green haired kid again.

"Hey Midoriya, what's up?"

"I just wanted to apologize about earlier, I just wanted to see if you were ok, sorry I came off as annoying."

'he thought he annoyed you, your such an awful person.'

"You didn't annoy me don't worry I was just-" I paused trying to think of what to say.


"Oh sorry, you didn't annoy me at all don't worry" I smiled at him weakly.

"Ok, as long as your ok." He smiled back at me.

"I hope we can be friends."

He seemed nice and I should probably try to make friends with as many people as possible so I told him I hope so too.

"I hope we can too" I tried to smile again

He smiled back at me again,
"See you tomorrow (y/n), bye" he smiled and walked off.


After that I started walking home.

my hero academia 𝕏 depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now