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(Y/N P.O.V)

It was the next day of school.
I could feel my eyes stinging from how much I had cried the night before.
I went to open the drawer and then remembered that Bakugo had taken them. Then I also remembered he said he'll probably give them to Mr Aizawa.
I was dreading leaving the room because I knew that I would have to see Bakugo and Iida again after last night.
I put on my uniform picked up my bag and walked to the classroom.
I thought about what Mr. Aizawa had said before. 'one cut too deep and it could all be over...'
I wish it could be all over. I just want to disappear, then I wouldn't have to bother anyone anymore.


I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about (y/n). I'm worried about her. I'm not sure how to help her but all I can do is try. I put on my uniform, picked up my school bag. I opened the door and slammed it behind me.

(Y/N P.O.V.)

I arrived at class and was greeted by Iida. "(Y/n), are you ok after last night?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied
"Are you sure?"
"I can tell your lying (y/n)"
He had caught me out.
"Do you have anything you can use to hurt yourself?" He asked in a concerned tone.
"No I don't ,Bakugo took them last night.."
"Ok." He said. He sounded slightly relieved.
"A-are you and Bakugo gonna tell Mr Aizawa?"
"We haven't discussed that matter yet but it's likely."
"Oh ok..."
Bakugo walked in through the classroom door.
"Oh uhm- hey Bakugo " I didn't really know what to say to him.
"Hey (y/n)" he said back.
He continued to walk over to me and Iida.
"(Y/n)?" He asked
"I just want you to know that I'll try to help you as much as possible."
"T-thanks" I smiled
"I'm gonna go sit down now, I'm a bit tired" I said
"Ok"they both said
I went and sat down at my desk.


(y/n) went to go and sit down so I thought this would be a good chance for me to talk to Iida about what we should do.
"I asked (y/n) this morning if she had anything she could use to hurt herself and she said you took the blades from her. Is that true?"
"Yeah it is, I think out best bet is to go to Mr Aizawa and give him the blades. He'll probably know what to do."
"That's probably our wisest option, we can go to him after class."
"Yeah ok"
After that Deku walked up to us and asked what we were talking about.

(Y/N P.O.V)

Form room had just ended. Iida and Bakugo stayed behind and I knew why.
I walked out the door and started making my way to the next class.

(Time skip to 4th period)

It was forth period, we were in English class. The phone started ringing so the teacher picked it up.
"(Y/n), Mr. Aizawa wants to speak with you."
I got up and started walking to Mr Aizawa's classroom.
I was so nervous and I knew what it was about.
I eventually got to the door of the classroom and knocked on it.
"Come in!" He shouted
"What did you want to speak to me about sir?" I asked in a slightly nervous tone.
"Take a seat"
I pulled a chair to the desk and sat facing him.
"A few students came to me this morning saying they were concerned about you."
"O-oh..." I knew it was Bakugo and Iida.
"(Y/n), can I see your arms."
Those words made my heart drop. I felt a tear run down my cheek.
"I'm f-fine." I said. I didn't want to show him my arms. It was enough for me that Iida and Bakugo were worried about me.
"(Y/n) I know that your not, but please show me your arms. I'm only trying to help you." He said.
I hesitantly rolled up both of my sleeves revealing the cuts that went the whole way up my arms.
He looked a little shocked at how bad it was. I started to cry.
"I--i'm s-sorry"
He moved his chair from the other side of the desk to beside my chair.
"It's ok but this needs to stop. If you go much further it could end up killing you."
What if that's what I wanted it to do. I wanted to die. I just want to disappear so then no one would have to worry about me.
I stayed quiet, I didn't really know what to say.
I wiped some of the tears from my eyes.
"Can you tell me why you do that?"
Oh god, where would I even start with telling him how I felt. I hardly even knew myself.
"I-it helps me feel ok, even if it's just for a minute"
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"It's like... A sad feeling sometimes, other times I feel nervous. Sometimes I just want to disappear so nobody has to worry about me.... I just hate myself"
He looked a little worried.
"When you say you want to disappear, do you mean that your suicidal?"
I hadn't really thought about it that way before.
"I think so, but I'm not really sure..."
"Another thing I wanted to ask you, have you been eating right? You seem to have lost a lot of weight suddenly."
I haven't really been eating at all. I was so caught up in how I'm feeling I guess food wasn't really on my mind.
"I haven't really been eating much, I guess I just don't really feel like eating..."
There was a short silence in the room. I rolled down my sleeves.
"I asked Iida and Bakugo to keep an eye on you. I'll also be checking up on you every now and again."
I didn't want people worrying about me but there was nothing I could do about it.
"I'm going to send you back to the dorm rooms for today. I want you to try and eat something too." He continued.
I stayed quiet but nodded my head.
"Can you promise me one thing though, (y/n)?"
"What is it?" I said quietly.
"Please stop cutting."
"I can't make a promise that I don't know if I can keep."
"That's understandable but, please just try for me."
I got up and made my way to the dorms.

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