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(Y/N P.O.V)

I got up and did my usual routine.
I left the dorm building and walked to class.

When I arrived I set my bag at my desk and sat down. I was tired, I hardly slept last night at all.

I looked up to see Jiro and Kaminari standing in front of my desk.

"Hey (y/n) can we talk to you outside for a second?"

"Uh- yeah sure." I said nervously.

We walked outside and I leaned against the wall.

"So basically me and Denki are worried about you."

"How come?" I asked. I was really scared they realised I was cutting or something."

"You just seemed really off lately and we thought that stain on your sleeve might've been um- uh-"

"Cutting." Jiro said finishing kaminari's sentence.

"You also seemed to have lost alot of weight really fast since the start of school..." Jiro said.

I could tell they were concerned but I was going to try and play it off like I was fine.

"Oh no don't worry I really am fine." I said laughing nervously.

"Prove it to me then..." Jiro said.


"Show me your arms."

I felt the tears forming underneath my eyes.

"N-no I promise I'm fine..."

"Then let me see your arms."

Denki was standing awkwardly Inthe background trying to find his way back into the conversation.

The tears in my eyes became visible and then one rolled down my cheek.

"Jiro you made her cry!" Denki said.

"Oh shit sorry please don't cry! I'm so sorry." She said panicking.

"I-its fine.." I said trying to hold back tears so I didn't upset her more.

"But seriously though, can you show us your arms? I'm actually worrying now." Denki said.

"I'm not cutting it's fine really." I said.

"Then let us see!"

"I TOLD YOU IM FINE!" I said not meaning to snap at them.

I stared to try and run to the bathrooms but then Jiro grabbed my arm.

"OW-" I flinched in pain.

"Still sure your ok?" Jiro asked. It was weird seeing her be so serious about this.

I just cried. I didn't even know what to say to them anymore.

"Please, can we see?" Denki asked in a sad concerned tone.

I lifted both of my sleeves.
They looked shocked.
"Oh my god i-"

They both hugged me.
They let go of the hug.

I saw a tear run down Jiros cheek.

"I know what it's like to feel like that and I'll do whatever I can to help you." She said.

"But please try to stop doing that... I know it's hard but... Please try."

"I can try..."

"You can come to either of us anytime if you need help or anything at all ok?"

my hero academia 𝕏 depressed readerWhere stories live. Discover now