Chapter Fourten

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Darkened honey hued eyes snapped over to the gym doors as they slammed open and a simmering Kageyama stomped in with his rustic orange gym bag thrown over his shoulder. The orange-haired Omega drew his gaze away from the door to the dark-haired Alpha's face and couldn't stifle his gasp of concern at what he saw. A red handprint laid across the right side of Kageyama's cheek and to make the wound worse three scratches from a perfectly manicured gouges still seemed to be bleeding slightly. The forest green volleyball Hinata was meant to save bounced harshly against his chest but the petite Omega didn't pay any attention to it as his inner Omega caused him to all but to run to Kageyama's side.

"Kageyama? Are you okay?" Hinata all but chirped out as the entire pack followed his suit and swarmed like a horde of ravenous dogs, Asahi excluded, around their wounded packmate. With a disgruntled thud, Kageyama let his gym bag fall to the floor and turned his back on his pack to bend over and rummage through his bag. Sea salt and patchouli scents were rolling off the lofty Alpha in such vulgar waves that the orange haired Omega and his inner Omega were both gagging at the stench. Hinata was quick to release calming waves of his own citrus and cherry blossom scent but they did virtually nothing to mask the putrid scent. Daichi stepped forwards and placed a paternal hand on the dark-haired Alpha's shoulders and the entire pack winced at how quick Kageyama was to flinch at the contact.

"Kageyama?" The Lead Alpha asked softly causing the Alpha in question to draw in a shuddering breath that bordered on the side of a sob. "Do you want to talk about it?" Daichi asked as Suga came up closer with first aid kit in one hand. Kageyama turned around with his practice jersey and kneepads in his hands and locked gazes with the Lead Pair.

"No," the dark-haired Alpha's response was curt but respectful as took the first aid kit from Suga and headed off towards the locker rooms to change. Hinata watched longingly after Kageyama and before Hinata could stop his inner Omega he was shuffling after him.

"Daichi?" Was all the orange-haired Omega had to ask the Lead Alpha and once Daichi nodded, Hinata took off in a sprint after the dark-haired Alpha who was already in the locker rooms. It took Hinata all of two minutes to cross the gym and fling open the heavy metal doors that lead to the locker room. Sob after sob could be heard coming from the sinks and each muffled whimper of a cry broke Hinata's and his inner Omega's hearts. Of course, the orange-haired Omega had been through various situations like thanks to the stern and abusive upbringing by his stepfather. His mother never knew about the extent of the punishments her eldest son went through but to keep his family happy for his mother and younger sister Natsu, Hinata never said a word. The petite Omega took two more steps before a thunderous growl ripped through the large locker room and Hinata had to wonder if his packmates could hear it in the gym.

"Go. Away." Each word of Kageyama's speech was separated by a snarl and despite his Omegan body telling him to flee, Hinata stood his ground and rounded the corner towards the sinks. The dark-haired Alpha was hunched over a sink, his large hands gripping at the edges so tightly the orange-haired Omega feared the pureblood Alpha could snap the porcelain within seconds. No more sobs came raggedly from Kageyama but darkened honeyed pools could only watch as the lofty Alpha's frame quivered with every inhale of the stagnant oxygen mixing with the Alpha's own tidal waves of emotional scents. The petite Omega with his encouraging inner Omega took two more brave steps towards Kageyama only to be greeted by another world-rocking growl.

"You don't have to talk about it Kageyama but let me help clean your scratches," Hinata spoke softly to the lofty Alpha but kept a slight firm edge to his tone. Before Kageyama could make a threat or a rebuttal the orange-haired Omega spoke again. "I'm not going to let up so you might as well give in!" Adding a slight chipper tone to his words and somehow the sea salt and patchouli lightened its weight in the air and turned sweeter. Victory!

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