Chapter Eight

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          The silence on the other end of Hinata's phone was more than just deafening it was earsplitting.  The orange-haired Omega fell backwards onto his bed and counted as the seconds ever so slowly ticked by.  Against the phone Kenma drew in a reprimanding breath which caused so much trepidation to bubble up into Hinata's throat that he had to chew roughly on his bottom lip to keep himself from screaming in utter frustration.  Another ten seconds passed by and Hinata's inner Omega began to squirm in worry causing the petite Omega's stomach to roll and tumble and then finally the blond- and brown-haired Omega spoke.

             "Hinata, its not April."  Kenma spoke tiredly and darkened honey hued eyes rolled in ire at the joke.  Hinata clicked his tongue in response letting his dislike of the poorly executed joke be heard.  The orange-haired Omega felt his inner Omega hiss annoyedly in response to what his friend said as a few more stifling seconds passed between the two of them.   "Are you being serious?"  The blond- and brown-haired Omega's question was disbelieving but somehow didn't come across as rude as Hinata thought his response would've or should've been about the situation.

            "Yes," the petite Omega's response was drug out in a sheepish way as darkened honey hued eyes explored Hinata's ceiling as said Omega tapped his feet on his bed along to an unknown beat.  "I said it was a really tiny one.  If I address it early on it should disappear right?"  The orange-haired Omega asked using his right shoulder to press his phone against his ear as he dropped his hand to the mattress to toy with his duvet trying to distract himself from his own mind.

         "As long as your inner Omega doesn't react to him then if it really is tiny it should go away."  Kenma's words were like a vice that constricted itself around Hinata throat that cut off his airway with a very inaudible gasp.  The silence was deafening.  "It isn't reacting is it?"  The blond- and brown-haired Omega asked broadly, and the Animal Crossing jingle could be heard faintly again as Kenma resumed his playing.  Hinata wanted to answer truthfully but for fear of rejection for somewhat falling for a hateful Alpha the lie effortlessly bubbled up from his chest and buzzed against his full lips. 

          "Nope, still no reactions in the Alpha department."  Guilt zoomed through the petite Omega's veins and he bit down harshly on his bottom lip to stop his groan of ire trying to escape his mouth.  Hinata found himself wanting to ask about the warm electricity that pulsed through Kageyama and into him anytime their bare skin made contact but to do that would mean Kenma might figure out he'd lied earlier.  Resolve sparked faintly in the orange-haired Omega's chest as he decided he'd just have to do some research about it on his own.  Through the quiet the celebratory sound of a fish being caught could be heard from Kenma's side of the call.  "What'd you catch?"  The petite Omega asked tiredly through a yawn realizing how exhausted he suddenly had become.  In the background a door creaked open and Kenma cursed vividly. 

        "How many times have I told you to stop hiding in the bathroom closet just, to sneak your Switch from me when you're supposed to be asleep?"  Kuroo's voice was a grumble of restraint with an unshaken sleepy fog that seeped into his tone.  A small smile worked its way onto Hinata's face as he burst out in teasing giggles.  "Are you on the phone with Hinata?"  The tired Alpha asked as a physical struggle could be heard over the phone, presumably over the gaming console.   Kenma gave a quick grunt as his response to the question.  The struggled ended and the orange-haired Omega could hear his best friend growling out insult after insult as he seemingly lost the scuffle over the phone and video game.  "Sorry to cut this chat short but my Omega needs sleep and so do you Hinata."  Kuroo scolded his voice slowly waking up as he mumbled his words together.   "Night Hinata," the tired Alpha mumbled slowly and Kenma yelled a quk 'send help' in the background.  

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