Chapter Nineteen

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  The roar ricocheted off of the brick walls causing the orange-haired Omega to flinch up into himself as his vision finally cleared. Darkened honey hued eyes landed on Kageyama's muscular physique standing ramrod straight at the other end of the alley way. Even from the ten feet distance between the fated pair, Hinata could see how his Alpha's claws were fully extended and his canines were all but bared as Kageyama took ragged breath after ragged breath. Denim hued eyes met Hinata's as they flashed completely black twice before settling into a darker shade than the lofty Alpha's normal denim blue eyes. A clear indicator that the Pureblood was slowly loosing the battle within himself against his inner Alpha.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Omega." Kageyama's bass pitched words were warbled and clipped as they bounced off the brick walls that encased the alley. The aggressive and still rancid smelling Alpha merely laughed at the ever-growing threat of the dark-haired Alpha. And instead of doing as he was told, the strange ashen blonde Alpha ruffled Hinata's orange curls one more time keeping eye contact with the Alpha before him. Somehow, Hinata seemed to regain control over himself and surged forward and up toppling over the suffocating Alpha in the process. Not daring to look back and listening to his inner Omega urges for him to continue running, Hinata zoomed to close the distance between his Alpha and himself. Two more strides and he'd be there. Outstretching his right hand, Hinata wasn't disappointed when Kageyama was quick to grab his wrist and pull him tightly against his muscular frame. They both ignored the warm electricity that surged through their bare skin that touched seeing as the situation was to grim to spend time blushing or averting their gazes over the contact. The orange-haired Omega shook with each inhale as he watched his attacker slowly raise up to kneel and glare at them both. Blood slipped past the Alpha's lip seeing as it been busted on the concrete he now knelt on.

"You won't always be here to save him; you know I'm right Pureblood." The blonde-haired Alpha's words were spat out but still had a calculating sharpness to them. It sent shivers throughout Hinata's entire petite frame, or maybe it was just the evening breeze blowing against him? Hinata couldn't quite separate the two at the moment. Kageyama growled out deep and venomous in response which also shook the male Omega to his core albeit for a list of completely different reasons. Looking up to Kageyama's jawline and then to his eyes, the Pureblood Alpha's eyes flashed once again to black from blue and remained for a few seconds longer than the first time. Hinata gulped down his fear and trepidation, if the signs were all pointing together than he only had a few more minutes before he lost Kageyama to his inner Alpha.

"Yes, I will." Came out from the dark-haired Alpha gruffly as he shoved Hinata behind his back to shift his stance as if he was planning on pouncing the other Alpha. Something told the petite Omega that if that happened, his stalker would only be leaving in a body bag and or ambulance. Not a good way to kick off their freshmen year of college. If Hinata could avoid a murder, he'd gladly take that chance. The orange-haired Omega moved without thinking thanks to his inner Omega and placed a hand palm down against the middle of his Alpha's back. The muscles tensed and rolled under his small hand and a darkened denim hued gaze was cast over Kageyama's shoulder to stare blankly at Hinata.

"It's okay 'Yama. I'm okay." Hinata was quick to coo at his fated making his tone and words come out evenly and gently. As if he was talking to a frightened wild animal. "Let's just leave and report this to the proper authorities, okay?" The petite Omega spoke chirping softly to the Alpha feeling relieved that Kageyama's eye color lightened slightly at his words.

"Ain't no cops stopping me when he's not claimed. You know pack law Pureblood!" The unnamed Alpha jabbed back at the couple which caused Kageyama to rip his gaze away from his Omega and roar another time at the challenging Alpha. This roar caused a couple pebbles to skip up and jump where they lay resting on the ground in the alleyway. "Unclaimed Omegas are fair game to be courted and or claimed by whomever pleases." The Alpha huffed out finally having the strength to haul himself up onto his feet and quickly run his tongue across his injured upper lip as if to lap up the blood. Another snarl rumbled out of the lofty Alpha as his gaze started to flicked between the Alpha and his fated, his eye color ever darkening with each toss of his eyes. "And I think I that still applies to the little trick behind you." A bloodied smirk followed the Alpha's words as if he was trying to taunt the already seething Pureblood further.

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