Chapter Sixteen

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Regret had been pulsing through Hinata's veins for the rest of the day ever since he called Kageyama 'King' before their practice match. No matter how stressed and overwhelmed the orange-haired Omega was he didn't have any right to take it out on the Pureblood Alpha. Of course, he wanted to give their courtship a chance if Kageyama wanted to do it the right way and not jump into claiming each other just because they were Fated Mates. But after the way the dark-haired Alpha reacted to his apology this afternoon he didn't know if Kageyama even wanted to speak to him outside of Volleyball related things again. With a sigh, Hinata finished tying his tennis shoelaces and stood up from kneeling by the front door. The petite Omega pulled out his phone to see it was only seven in the evening so a quick hour run wouldn't keep him out too late even if it was already pitch-black outside. Hinata really should take an Alpha with him after the rouge attack the other night but the only Alpha that wasn't at an evening class or a job was Kageyama, and he had no intentions to ask him to go. The Gods however had other intentions for the poor Omega.

"Hinata?" Suga called from his resting spot on the couch where he Noya, Ennoshita, Yamaguchi, and Kageyama sat on the couch either watching a rerun of a Volleyball movie from the eighties or on their phones.

"Yeah?" Hinata called out keeping his tone respectful to his ever-vigilant Lead Omega. The petite Omega was practically begging every deity he knew to not have Suga tell him to bring Kageyama. Of course, they never listened to him.

"Take Kageyama with you or you don't go." It took two seconds after Suga spoke for Kageyama to kick himself up and off the couch and Hinata's inner Omega swooned at what the lofty Alpha had on. A grey muscle shirt showed off Kageyama's thick and toned arms while a tight-fitting pair of black joggers should off his thighs and Hinata was sure it was working wonders for the Pureblood Alpha's ass. Why did he look like he knew Hinata was going to try and sneak off for a run on his own? He even had on his running shoes. Kageyama was behind Hinata and gesturing for him to go out the front door with a stoic expression. With ground teeth, Hinata shoved his phone back into his pocket and all but threw the front door open and stomped down the porch steps. The Summer night air was refreshing both physically and mentally to Hinata but thanks to the slight breeze Kageyama's patchouli and sea salt scent his way which was driving his inner Omega crazy.

"Thanks for coming 'Yama. Sorry you're always dragged into being my escort." Hinata spoke hoping to break the muggy tension between the two as they started up into a casual jog. Both not wanting to overdo it after today's practice match but wanting to cool down their muscles. A quick glance to orange-haired Omega's left found that Kageyama was staring forward intently like he was mulling over his response before his lips worked to move.

"I don't mind be dragged around if its for you." Kageyama spoke softly to the point where Hinata wasn't sure it was actually meant to be heard as his denim hued gaze never left the road in front of them. Nonetheless, it sent the petite Omega's heart into cartwheels and flips as bit on the inside of his cheek to hide his smile despite how quickly his citrus and cherry blossom scent sweetened contently. The first ten minutes of their run was silent but not awkward but when a loud crack of thunder sounded out and a mid-Summer downpour started the pair quickly had to seek shelter under a well-lit bus stop. Kageyama sat at one end of the bench while Hinata sat at the other the peaceful air between them vanished and was replaced by the same tension from before over their awkward apology. If any time was obviously meant as means to mend their friendship now was that chance. Mustering up his courage Hinata shifted towards Kageyama and spoke.

"About earlier in the locker room I really didn't mean any of what I said Kageyama." The petite Omega started up his second apology he'd been planning out since his first one failed and his inner Omega could be felt pacing and analyzing the Alpha's reaction. Kageyama turned to lock his denim hued gaze with Hinata's darkened honey one and nodded as if to tell Hinata to continue his speech. "I just got this big reveal from my mom that she had a fated mate that left her to be on Japan's Olympic team for Volleyball after he got her pregnant with me. And she warned me not to fall for the same trap she did, and I didn't really sleep after finding that out and everything spilled onto one another and then I snapped at you." Hinata blurted out over the lump forming in the back of his throat as he tried his best to ignore the thick tears that threatened to fall past his lashes. Since when did he cry so often? "I just want to sincerely apologize since I didn't seem to do that earlier today." Dark hued brows furrowed together in thought and Kageyama's signature scent turned sour in a mix of emotions so string Hinata couldn't focus on a single on.

"Its okay Hinata, I already called my mom and told her I'd meet the female Alpha they picked for me." Hinata felt his entire world crumble beneath his feet at that statement. How could he just give up on them when they haven't even gotten the chance to try yet? The petite Omega stole a glance at Kageyama's still bandaged cheek and cringed, he'd gone throughout for their sake and now Kageyama just doesn't even want to give it a shot? What the actual fuck? Hinata's inner Omega went numb. "I won't try and pursue you anymore."

"You're gonna give up on us just like that? We haven't even given it a shot." Hinata choked out moving to stand as if he was ready to bolt off in any direction despite the thunderstorm around them. "I didn't mean I was against our courtship, I just meant I wanted us to get to know each other and not jump into like my mom did." The petite Omega ranted out his thoughts while running his hands through his curled tresses aggressively in an attempt to hold back his tears. Denim hued eyes drew back in surprise at the confession and regret instantly replaced the other emotions swirling within Kageyama's gaze. "I understand if you don't want to try but I just don't get why you'd give up after all your weird flirting and defending us to your parents?" Hinata mumbled his own emotions going through such a roller coaster that he began rocking back and forth on his feet without noticing. The orange-haired Omega also ignored the few times the Alpha in front of him called out to him as his thoughts ran rampant with so many thoughts of being abandoned by someone, he didn't know he even needed. Seconds later, Hinata decided it'd just be better to run away from this situation. "I-I've gotta go," Hinata mumbled as he turned on his heel and jogged off into the rain.

"Hinata! Stop!" Kageyama growled out as he dashed after the much smaller Omega. Within seconds, a strong grip around Hinata's wrist had him freezing as warm electricity surged through the two at the contact. "I don't want to give up I just thought it was what you'd want." The lofty Alpha's voice was consoling as he rubbed a calloused thumb slowly against Hinata's wrist sending shivers down the Omega's spine. Or maybe it was the rain soaking them both to the bone that caused that, Hinata couldn't tell. "Please don't leave me," Kageyama whispered desperately but he sounded so broken it made Hinata's heart shatter. The orange-haired Omega turned around to lock gazes with Kageyama in the rain and lifted up his free hand to cup the Pureblood Alpha's uninjured cheek.

"I won't." Hinata spoke as his inner Omega buzzed back to life due to all the warm electricity pulsing between the two. Those two words meant so much and yet were so easily spoken it proved to Hinata that they already had a stronger bond than his mother and biologically father had. Standing in the downpour only focused on one another both boys decided instantly that they'd fight for each other always and forever. Kageyama's free hand snuck its way into the back of Hinata's hair and before Hinata had the chance to blush, the dark-haired Alpha leaned down and pressed their lips together and electricity exploded between the two.

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