Chapter Six

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    Darkened honey hued eyes watched as Kageyama gripped the metal doorknob so roughly it groaned irefully as the dark-haired Alpha wrenched open the hardwood door.  Thankfully, the two college aged men stayed put on the porch and didn't try and shove past Kageyama.  However, Hinata could see how rigid the shorter brown-haired man was and if it wasn't for the larger man's hand on his wrist, something told the orange-haired Omega that he'd be forcing his way into the den.  The scent of almonds and hibiscus hit the petite Omega in hexing waves and the obviously Omegan scent wasn't what caused his own citrus and cherry blossom scent to sour in distress.  No, it was the amber and mint scent rolling into the den house in putrid and warning waves.  The distinctively Alpha scent is what caused Hinata's citrus and cherry blossom scent to turn rancid and acrid with stress and anger.  Out of the corner of his eyes, the orange-haired Omega saw how the dark-haired Alpha's nose flared and twitched as he took in Hinata's scent.  Seconds later sea salt and patchouli erased and chased away the unfamiliar scents as Kageyama's scent demanded respect and acknowledgement, there was diffidently no doubt in the petite Omega's mind that the dark-haired Alpha was a pureblood Alpha. 


            "Tobio?  Isn't this ironic?"  The shorter man spat his baritone pitched voice coming across as Omegan and when his mocha hued glare landed on Hinata's darkened honey hued one it narrowed in thought.  The orange-haired Omega bristled and went ramrod straight as he turned his glare eerily serious.  


               "Oikawa, I'm sorry but we don't have Taro."  Kageyama spoke woodenly keeping his lofty frame in between the petite Omega and bond pair on the front porch.  Hinata felt his orange hued brows raise up in shock, he'd imagined Oikawa Touro as a small Omega closer to his or Noya's size not as tall as he really was.  Oikawa pulled his mocha hued glare off of the petite Omega to lock onto the dark-haired Alpha's swirling denim hued glare. 


                "I would've figured you'd at least end up at Nekoma or somewhere with an actual reputation,"  Oikawa spoke with a sneer and before Hinata could reign in his inner Omega he was snarling and trying to shove past the dark-haired Alpha to retaliate for the insult thrown at his pack.  Kageyama was quick to react and use his right hand to press back in the middle of the orange-haired Omega's chest to keep Hinata at bay.  The tall Omega laughed out at the display before the Alpha beside him snarled to life, but it wasn't aimed at the dark-haired Alpha or the seething male Omega he held back easily.  It was directed at Oikawa. 


             "We came for the damn alien not to patronize them.  Its bad enough you snuck out to break their window."  The buff Alpha spoke and turned his charcoal gaze onto Kageyama.  "I've mailed what should cover the damages to your Lead Alpha."  The Alpha rambled off earning a curt nod from the dark-haired Alpha.  The mention of the window didn't sit well with Hinata.


            "You think you can just damage our den and pay us off?"  The orange-haired Omega hissed out his own tiny claiming fangs elongating in his own defense.  His inner Omega was restless over the way Kageyama's large hand radiated heat through the fabric of his clothes and the way the taller Omega smirked at the question he all but spat. 


          "Not now Hinata."  It wasn't often the dark-haired Alpha used his actual name and it seemed to at least get Hinata's attention off of defending the honor of his pack to try and tame his purring inner Omega.  "The Lead Pair aren't home so you should probably head out, I'll tell Daichi what you told me Iwaizumi."  Kageyama spoke his tone as stoic as it had been when he introduced himself to the pack.  "I hope you find Taro," the dark-haired Alpha spoke as he went to shut the door but a foot wedging its way in between the door frame and door stopped him.  Seconds later it was reopened almost slamming into Kageyama's face as he jumped out of its way and pushed Hinata further back instinctively. 

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