Chapter One

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   Hinata was stirred awake by the grating beeping and blaring of his vermillion colored alarm clock.  A cavernous groan of ire escaped the orange-haired Omega's full lips as he rolled over onto his stomach.  Darkened honey hued eyes hulled open slowly as Hinata reached with his right hand trying his best to silence the nagging of his alarm clock.  A few missed swipes at the vermillion alarm clock had the petite Omega pushing himself onto his knees to rub the back of his hands across darkened honey eyes trying his best to wipe away the grogginess that clouded his vision. 

   "Please shut up," Hinata all but whined out as he finally opened his eyes to make a clear swipe down onto the alarm clock.  As the orange-haired Omega's lithe hand decisively made contact with the vermillion clock, it muzzled its blaring beeps seconds later.  Sighing in reprieve, Hinata prepared his petite body to slam down onto his oh, so welcoming bed but a quick darkened honey hued glance at the clock paused his body.  It was almost eight o'clock in the morning, the orange-haired Omega shouldn't sleep in on his first full day of being with his new pack.  Plus, the way Hinata's stomach snarled up to him egged him on to get up and off his bed to shuffle his feet to his walk-in closet.   Pale hands quickly grabbed at a black hoodie two sizes too big for the petite Omega and Hinata swiftly shucked it on.  Hinata didn't even bother to rake his fingers through his curled and tangled orange tresses as he cleared the distance to his doorway and opened it with a yawn.  Darkened honey hued eyes were quick to land on Kageyama's closed bedroom door and a frown toiled its way onto the orange-haired Omega's face.  Hinata's inner Omega whined at the absence of sea salt and patchouli in the crisp morning air as the petite Omega shook his head slowly.  "Stop reacting to him," Hinata snubbed his inner Omega as he forced his ireful thoughts of the dark-haired Alpha to the bottom of his sternum and stomped the burning embers of his emotions out.  Hinata was halfway down the stairs when he slipped slightly, too caught up in his thoughts and landed into a solid chest.  The musky scent of leather and sandal wood wafted into the orange-haired Omega's nostrils as a quick glance up found Daichi steadying the petite Omega by his shoulders.

      "Morning, Hinata!"  The Lead Alpha's tone was animated as he kindly let go of Hinata's muscular shoulders.  Charcoal hued eyes locked onto the orange-haired Omega's darkened honey hued eyes and Daichi smiled down to the shorter man.  "I was just going to wake you and Kageyama up.  Breakfast is almost ready," the Lead Alpha spoke in relaxed tones as he moved to the side to walk up the stairs to go and get the dark-haired Alpha. 

   "Morning," Hinata called to Daichi as he disappeared around the corner at the top of the staircase.  His inner Omega tried to convince the petite Omega to wait for Kageyama.  Instead of listening to his inner Omega, Hinata ground down austerely on his teeth as he jogged down the rest of the stairs.  The orange-haired Omega spotted the blue tarp over the large window in the vacant living room and furrowed his brows in vexation.  Hinata swore he'd think if the best prank possible to get back at Oikawa and his pack.  Once the orange-haired Omega crossed the threshold into the kitchen he grinned into his packmates scents.  Suga was stirring bacon in a frying pan while chatting idly with Yamaguchi who in turn was plating freshly made rice onto dishes for the entire pack.  Tsukishima was on the opposite side of the stove pouring the steaming coffee into various unmatching mugs.  His ashen blond hair seemed neatly combed unlike Yamaguchi's whose light brown tresses curled up wildly.  The Lead Omega's silver tresses curled out slightly but seemed much more tame than the shorter Omega's besides him.  At the large oak table big enough for around fifteen people, Asahi sat nursing on his own tan hued mug of coffee. On the large Alpha's muscular right leg sat a perched Noya whose normally styled blond and dark brown tresses lay flat on his head.  Tanaka sat opposite of the couple throwing his bald head back in a rambunctious roar of laughter at something the spunky Omega had just said.  Ennoshita sat with his head in his palms while his elbows rested on the round table obviously wanting their antics to cease.  All of the pack members wore various styles of pajamas ranging from shorts and bare chests to matching flannel sets and the occasional baggy hoodie. 

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