Chapter Fifteen

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    "To answer a heat question for Hinata," the bald Alpha sent the orange-haired Omega a knowing look and suddenly Hinata was oh so grateful that he was about as easy to read as a pup's picture book. Somehow the entire pack picked up on what Tanaka was doing and soon enough they quickly all started up their own side conversations in an attempt to save their beloved packmate's hide. Denim hued eyes locked onto darkened honey ones in a questioning gaze as if the lofty Alpha didn't fully believe the answer, he was given but didn't have the mental strength to press the matter further.

"Yes Hinata, I'm sure everyone in the pack wouldn't mind giving you something for your nest for your upcoming heat." Suga answered as swiftly picked up the ladle from the tile floor and turned to the sink to wash it off. "We've done it for Noya and myself, so it'll be the same for you and Yamaguchi." The Lead Omega spoke absent mindedly as he began divvying out scoops of miso soup into mix matched bowls for his pack. Hinata tore his gaze away from Kageyama's as his inner Omega whined in protest wanting to stare at their supposed 'fated mate'. Whatever the hell that was it annoyed the fuck out of Hinata that no one in his life cared to explain to him. Before the orange-haired Omega allowed himself to get lost in thought he made the decision to call his mother after dinner and get some answers for the mess of a life he's been having for his first few weeks of college.

"Thanks for the answer Suga," Hinata spoke as the dark-haired Alpha sat directly across from him at the dinner table. The Gods couldn't get any more devilish, could they? Idle chatter continued as plates and bowls where sat in front of each packmate and Hinata eventually joined Noya and Asahi's conversation about the new Godzilla movie they were going to see. Once Suga and Yamaguchi sat down everyone dug into the delicious bounty in front of them.

"No way Noya!" Hinata chirped out around a mouthful of Shioyaki as he threw the spunky Omega a heated but playful glare. "Godzilla is so going to beat King Kong. He's so much bigger and has atomic breath!" The petite Omega spurred out after he swallowed down his huge bite of Shioyaki and reached for his glass of barley tea to swig down large gulps.

"You're so dense Hinata," Noya sighed as he sipped slowly on his own glass of water seemingly trying to look as professional as he could. "How could an unintelligent overgrown Iguana beat a smart primate that can use weapons?" The spunky Omega jeered back as he took a bite of his own Shioyaki causing Hinata all but to simmer with fake resent for his packmate as Asahi sat awkwardly eating his dinner between the two squabbling Omegas.

"Atomic breath," was drug out by the orange-haired Omega as he finished his last bite of food and washed down with his last splash of barely tea. Hinata hadn't noticed he was rushing through his dinner but to say the least he briming at the edges with curiosity on calling his mother for questions. "Is it okay if I do my half of chores after I call my mom?" The petite Omega asked towards the Lead Pair considering the fact he and Kageyama were still technically being punished for stealing Oikawa's alien statue.

"Sure, just have it done before you go for your evening run. Speaking of evening runs you should probably take Kageyama when you go an Omega was attacked on campus last night by a rouge Alpha." Daichi answered and before Hinata waited to see Kageyama's reaction to the second statement he was out of the kitchen and zooming up the stairs. Once shutting his bedroom door, the orange-haired Omega whipped out his phone and dialed his mother's number from memory. It took three rings for the female Omega to answer.

"Shouyou?" Her distinct and comforting voice instantly had Hinata feeling like a pup again as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Hey mom there's something I need to talk to you about." The petite Omega spoke slowly trying to figure out how to piece his words together.

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