Chapter Seventeen

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Hinata's inner Omega sparked to life in a mix of purrs and chirps that snuck out of the petite Omega himself causing him to quite literally purr into the kiss. Hinata leaned up onto his toes and quickly snuck his tone arms around Kageyama's neck trying to press their bodies together as tightly as they could be. It was the dark-haired Alpha who pulled away all too soon for the much smaller Omega's tastes, but the chill of the downpour instantly came back to Hinata as the kiss ended. Denim hued eyes met darkened honeyed ones as both their scents swirled together sweetly with a slight spiced hint to them signaling, they both had fires of excitement and lust blazing within themselves.

"We should head back," Kageyama spoke slowly as he cast his ever-stoic gaze up to the still dark sky. "We can watch a movie after we shower before dinner. Sound good?" The Pureblood Alpha spoke moving to intertwine their fingers as he started off in the direction back to their den.

"Only if you toss to me later!" Hinata chimed in brightly excited for a relaxing evening with Kageyama. Throughout the whole walk back to the den the orange-haired Omega purred contentedly as the two discussed their results in the practice match.


Hinata sighed out happily as he exited his personal bathroom after his much-needed warming shower. Already dressed in a baggy grey t-shirt and matching running shorts, the petite Omega plugged in his phone in and shot Kenma a text to say he'd update him after the movie. Darkened honeyed eyes landed on the door across the hall, Kageyama had left it open so the male Omega could make his way into the Pureblood Alpha's room to watch the movie. Nervousness flooded through Hinata so viciously it invaded his citrus and cherry blossom scent and gave it the slightest toasted undertones to the otherwise sweet and floral scent. Should he go over there now? The petite Omega seemed to have his thoughts answered when his legs moved on their own, seemingly spurred by his inner Omega's eagerness to find out what awaited them both once the moved started and the Pureblood Alpha's bedroom door was shut. Once inside Kageyama's room, Hinata sat down with a blushing face on the Alpha's bed as he gazed around the room smiling faintly at the Tiny Giant poster, he'd seen the last time he was in here. It was back when they went to steal Oikawa's alien statue, what a fun night that had been before Daichi opened the biggest can of 'disappointed dad' anyone had ever opened in the history of the world. Darkened honey hued eyes landed on the infamous high school game ball he'd seen the last time he was in here. Curiosity instantly replaced Hinata's nervousness. Crossing the room, the orange-haired Omega picked up the Volleyball and spun it around his hands slowly admiring the minimal scuffs and buffs on the ball's paint job.

"What happened with you to warrant you being kept next to the trophies?" Hinata asked himself as his gaze turned to the various Volleyball trophies that sat atop the dresser where the Volleyball had set before the petite Omega tore it away from its resting place. "Kageyama said it wasn't a good memory so what was it? Maybe he killed someone with this ball!" Hinata spoke animatedly as he scrunched up his shoulders to his ears in a gesture of mock shock. A small slur of giggles escaped Hinata as he laughed at his own foolish accusation.

"I can assure you I didn't kill anyone." Kageyama's bass pitched voice tumbled off in a saccharine chuckle behind the orange-haired Omega, blowing puffs of steamy air against the shell of his ear and his scent glands. Sea salt and patchouli wrapped around the two in a thick blanket like a promise of endless protection and affection. "If you're really that interested, I'll tell you tomorrow on our morning run, I'm not in the mood to ruin our movie night with that story." The Pureblood Alpha's muscular arms wrapped themselves around Hinata's slender waist as Kageyama leaned down to rest his chin on the male Omega's right shoulder. Hinata's whole body became aflame with thousands of feelings that swirled into his scent that he knew Kageyama could smell and would soon tease him for.

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