Chapter Twelve

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              "Oi," Kageyama was towering over the good-sized man as the dark-haired Alpha's sea salt and patchouli scent rolled around the three of them in thick and heavy waves as if he was trying to say 'mine'. Darkened honey hued eyes met swirling denim depths that seemed to swallow up most of the fear that had been sizzling and sparking against Hinata's nerves. If he could just get his own two legs to work, he could pull away from this prick of an Alpha grab Kageyama and go down the next aisle. Before the orange-haired Omega could resync his muscular legs to move a strong hand wrapped around his slim wrist and warm electricity zoomed into his skin and veins. The dark-haired Alpha's grip tightened on the petite Omega's wrist making the heated electricity pulse and dance stronger than ever before between the two of them. It would've made Hinata's inner Omega all but drool but given the circumstances all it did was whine out to be whisked away by Kageyama and the petite Omega couldn't agree more. "Do you know Hinata?" The deep growl of the question came gave away Kageyama's pureblood status and when the orange-haired Omega dared a glance at the ashen blond Alpha he saw how the Alpha's azure hued eyes drew back in shock and what seemed like panic.

"We met the other day one campus; he was out for a run." The words were like gravel being scrapped against a chalkboard and when Hinata quickly turned his gaze back on Kageyama's the lofty Alpha had a knowing expression that seemed more like a glower. The only run the orange-haired Omega had taken by himself was when he ran away from Kageyama and returned with a bloody nose. Seconds later as another powerful gust of sea salt and patchouli hit Hinata's nostrils the strange Alpha's hand fell away from the back of his head. The petite Omega jerked back as far as he could but when Kageyama's grip tightened on his slim wrist and soon Hinata found himself crushed into the dark-haired Alpha's muscular chest. Darkened honey hued eyes drew up Kageyama's chest to find a denim hued glare resting on the ashen blond Alpha behind them. "No need to get so defensive man." The strange Alpha chuckled out his words as he turned to face the other man. Before Hinata could tug himself away or burrow closer into the dark-haired Alpha's chest, Kageyama's free hand was pressing down into the orange-haired Omega's lower back causing Hinata to press tightly against the lofty Alpha's taller frame. Sea salt and patchouli pumped out into the petite Omega's senses in possessive waves which Hinata was sure the thick scent had to be choking the non-pureblood Alpha. Or at least bothering his sinuses.

"He has all the friends he could need," Kageyama's deep timbre of a voice growled out making sure to get his warning through to the Alpha. It didn't seem to register with the other man or at least the other Alpha chose to ignore the threat. "We really should be leaving." The dark-haired Alpha grit out his words through clenched teeth and when Hinata dared a glance up the thick column of Kageyama's neck a muscle feathered on the lofty Alpha's jawline. Even in his shocked and terrified state Hinata's inner Omega was still trying to convince him to pepper enough kisses to Kageyama's tense jawline to ease all the Alpha's worries. Too say the least it was oh, so very tempting. An unfamiliar hand grasped the orange-haired Omega's free hand and before he could hiss or bare his own tiny canines at the Alpha a ground shaking growl ripped out of Kageyama's chest literally shaking Hinata to his core.

"Now now, you can't make decisions for someone else." The unnamed Alpha purred out trying to tug the petite Omega away from the much more threatening dark-haired Alpha's clutches. Hinata finally regained control of his own body and turned a darkened honey hued glare on the calculating azure hued gaze of the ashen blond Alpha. Lifting up his upper lip in a snarl to flash his tiny canines at the strange Alpha the petite Omega hissed out menacingly.

"You're one to talk." Hinata's tenor pitched screech had Kageyama's entire body tensing against his own and the ashen blond barked out laugh after laugh. The strange Alpha's own canines elongating in response to the threat made by the petite Omega. Hinata tore his wrist away from the slimy grip of the unnamed Alpha and before he could swipe down with his nails at the ashen blond Alpha's face Kageyama's hand caught his smaller one mid strike. Warm electricity pulsed through their palms causing Hinata's heartrate to quicken and a deep blush flood his heavily freckled cheeks.

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