Chapter Seven

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     Hinata stood ramrod straight as Daichi crossed his arms over his chest causing his muscles to roll under his pale skin.  The orange-haired Omega was thankful that Kageyama was standing to his left and Noya to his right, it was a comfort that his inner Omega keened at.  Sea salt and patchouli seemed less vibrant as the Lead Alpha blew out a thick exhale of air in the fading sunlight.  Darkened honey hued eyes lifted up from the concrete to land onto Daichi's strong face as Hinata tried his best to keep his expression neutral despite how much anxiety was currently zooming through his petite frame with every rapid beat of his heart.

          "I'm really disappointed in you all for sneaking out but I can't say Oikawa didn't have it coming."  The Lead Alpha's tone was drained but the half grin tugging up one corner of his mouth eased Hinata's worries.  The spunky Omega to the orange-haired Omega's right smirked at the comment as Daichi's charcoal hued gaze drifted through the four troublesome packmates.  "However, that doesn't mean you won't be getting punished for your actions," The Lead Alpha spoke his own knowing smirk working up both sides of his mouth as the groans of dismay from Noya and Tanaka filled up the empty space between them.  "Noya and Tanaka you'll be taking over mine, Suga's, and Asahi's chores for a week."  Daichi explained watching teasingly as his packmates deflated in defeat at the words he spoke.  "Kageyama and Hinata will be taking care of Ennoshita's, Tsukishima's, and Yamaguchi's chores for a week as well."  The Lead Alpha spoke and Hinata snuck a quick glance to his left to see Kageyama's dark hued brows furrow in ire, but the dark-haired Alpha didn't complain.  "Have you guys decided on how you're getting the statue back?"  Daichi asked and no one answered causing the Lead Alpha to groan out in frustration using his thumb and fore finger to rub at the bridge of his nose. 

       "I was going to take Asahi out for dinner to apologize."  Noya spoke as he scratched nervously at the back of his neck.  The Lead Alpha's annoyed expression softened slightly before he gave the spunky Omega a quick nod of acknowledgement and permission.  "What're you doing tonight Tanaka?"  The spunky Omega asked turning to face the bald Alpha who mulled through his thoughts before throwing his head back in dismay.

      "I totally forgot to start my essay that's due tomorrow."  Tanaka exclaimed animatedly and when Hinata bit back a laugh he got sent a glare by Daichi which instantly stopped his snickering.  The Lead Alpha tossed his charcoal glare over to Kageyama and recognition flashed through his eyes at an idea zipping through his mind.

       "Can either of you drive?"  Daichi asked using his right hand to gesture between both the orange-haired Omega and the dark-haired Alpha. 

      "I can," both Hinata and Kageyama answered at the same time causing a deep blush to dig into the petite Omega's heavily freckled cheeks.  The Lead Alpha chuckled slightly before scratching at his chin in thought.

      "Who has a car?"  Daichi asked and the orange-haired Omega bit down on the inside of his cheek.  His mother was supposed to be surprising him with a car tomorrow evening when everyone's parents came to meet their pack. 

     "I do, it's in the garage."  The dark-haired Alpha spoke woodenly and when the Lead Alpha nodded slowly, he gave them both a small smile.

     "You two are going to take it back after dinner, okay?"  Daichi asked even though he knew neither Kageyama nor Hinata would refuse his instructions.  Hinata's inner Omega purred to life at the idea of being alone with the lofty Alpha causing the petite Omega to have to smother the sound before it rumbled out of his own chest.  After a quick 'yes sir' from both the dark-haired Alpha and the orange-haired Omega the Lead Alpha walked back towards the gym doors.   "Let's go get the pack and head home," Daichi called over his shoulder and the four other packmates were quick to follow after their Lead Alpha. 

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