Chapter Three

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Hinata sighed greatly as he swung the light grey screen door shut to the front porch of the den house. The orange-haired Omega hadn't left his room since he returned this morning, thankfully after a shower and a four-hour long video chat with Kenma they had managed to calm down both Hinata and his inner Omega. Although, they were both still infuriated with Kageyama and his insufferable actions. The petite Omega zipped up his black volleyball jacket to his chin as the rain battered down crossly against the waterproof jacket. Hinata's uncovered orange tresses flattened against his forehead in tangled curls as he jogged down the front porch steps. Everyone else had their own waterproof sports jackets with hoods pulled over their heads. The orange-haired Omega had forgotten his at his mother's den house when he hurriedly packed up his clothes, he always did wait till the last moment to do things. Just as Hinata splashed down into a puddle on the pavement at the bottom of the stairs his darkened honey gaze landed on a muscular chest hidden under an emerald green sports jacket. The thick scent of sea salt and patchouli enveloped the air in between the two. The petite Omega skimmed his darkened honey hued gaze up the muscular chest to lock onto denim hued eyes filled with a couple thousands of emotions. A grimace worked its way onto Hinata's face angling his orange hued brows downwards as his inner Omega keened put happily. Okay so, maybe he was the only one still upset with the dark-haired Alpha.

"Hinata about earlier I-" Kageyama's contrite statement was cut short as the petite Omega ducked under his outstretched hand and headed towards the rest of his pack.

"Noya! Tanaka!" Hinata hollered ignoring the way his inner Omega begged him to turn around and listen to what the lofty Alpha had to say. The orange-haired Omega snuffed out his inner Omega's voice as the two packmates he called out to turned to face him. The spunky Omega wore a lemon-yellow sports jacket that hung off of him so much Hinata instantly knew he'd borrowed it from his burly mate. The bald Alpha wore a sky-blue jacket that hung greedily to his muscular physique as both of their faces lit up in amusement.

"Hinata! Don't you have something with a hood?" Tanaka wheezed out holding back a laugh as a bright smile toiled its way onto the petite Omega's face. Beside the bald Alpha the much shorter spunky Omega bent over leaning on his knees, as he barked out rambunctious laugh after rambunctious laugh.

"Yeah? What are you an-" Noya's insult was cut off by a squeak of pain as a Suga smacked him upside the head harshly as he loomed over the always comedic duo as Daichi and Asahi watched with closed mouth smiles. Hinata gulped down his trepidation at the eerie smile that lifted up the corners of the Lead Omega's mouth as he slowly tilted his head to the left.

"Hinata, do you want to borrow one of mine?" Suga asked his maternal instincts taking over as he moved around the two now quiet boys as they kept their gazes down on the pavement. The saccharine scent of chamomile and sage blossom broke through the familiar mix of the pack's scents as Suga pulled up the sleeves on his silver jacket that matched his silver hued tresses. Hinata instantly knew what the Lead Omega wanted; it was a common custom for one part of the Lead Pair to scent mark their packmates before an outing out of their instincts to claim and protect their pack. The orange-haired Omega barred his neck and was patient as Suga used his scent gland on his inner wrist to swipe it across the one on Hinata's neck. Hinata closed his darkened honey eyes in content, he hated to say it but being scent marked by another Omega always seemed to put him in a much brighter mood. The scent of sea salt patchouli wafted by as Kageyama passed them and the orange-haired Omega opened his darkened honey hued gaze to watch the Lead Alpha rub his wrist against Kageyama's. "Well, do you?" Suga asked as he finished scent marking the much shorter Omega and pulled his sleeve back down. Hinata hulled his darkened honey hued glare away from Daichi and the dark-haired Alpha ignoring his inner Omega's pleas to ask to be scent marked by Kageyama.

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