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Hinata heaved the last of his cardboard boxes onto the grass and on the curb outside of his new den house before he closed the hatch on his mother's car. Sighing to himself slightly, the Omega moved to stand where his mother and younger sister Natsu where finishing their ice cream cones on the curb. Hinata smiled down at Natsu who was now covered in vanilla ice cream in various stages of drying.  The young pup was giggling as their mother scolded her for getting it in her shining orange hair.

"I'm finished." Hinata spoke trying not to grimace at the instant frown that wormed its way onto the young pup's otherwise bright face. He knew how much she didn't want her older brother to leave her but the government wouldn't allow him to stay in his mother's pack his entire life There would be a day when she too would leave the elder Omega and it would just be her and Natsu's father in their own pack. The male Omega reached down and used a calloused hand to ruffle her ginger hued tresses lovingly.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Hinata's mother questioned moving to stand up before locking her amber gaze with her eldest pup's dark liquid honey hued gaze. A sad smile found its way onto the male Omega's lips as he pulled his mother into a tender embrace.

"I am. Plus, they're my Volleyball team I'm sure I'll form a pack bond by this weekend." Hinata was cheerful with his tone as his citrus and cherry blossom scent sweetened in an attempt to calm his mother. The elder Omega's caramel and sea salt scent seemed to come off as burnt and stagnant as she continued to fret over her eldest pup. Hinata chirped reassuringly twice to his mother before a pair of tiny arms were wrapping themselves around his legs grabbing his attention in the process. Pulling back from his mother slightly and looking down, the male Omega was greeted by Natsu's doe eyes locking onto his gaze with tears spilling over their brim. The young pup puffed out her bottom lip in a pout and her older brother couldn't stifle the laugh that snuck its way out oh his mouth at the expression on the young ginger's chubby face.

"Just promise me you won't force a pack bond to form. Good packs are made out of genuine bonds not your want to be accepted." The elder Omega spoke maternally to her pup and Hinata rolled his eyes at his mother saying a quick 'I know, I know' to her. "And if your inner Omega tells you something you better listen to it." The male Omega rolled his eyes. The last time his inner Omega had reacted to something was when he lost Natsu at the park and it helped him lock down onto her scent easily. Hinata doubted his inner Omega would react to anything that awaited him in his new den.

"I promise mom." The orange-haired Omega was quick to cup the side of his mother's face and press a loving kiss on the top of her forehead. Stepping out of his mother's embrace completely, Hinata bent down to pick up Natsu easily a perk of dedicating his childhood and teenage years to training for Volleyball. "And I promise you I'll come see you on Saturday." Hinata spoke sincerely to the young pup and tried his best not to physically cringe when she knotted her sticky fingers into his own ginger tresses and pressed a sticky kiss to his cheek; a chipper laugh came from their mother at the sight. Before the male Omega could put Natsu down she locked her hazel gaze onto his darkened honey hued one. Hinata could see the intensity in those warm brown eyes and tried his best not to flinch under her scrutinizing gaze.

"If you don't you'll regret it." Was all Natsu said before more tears spilled down past her eyes and onto her cheeks.  Her mother grabbed her from behind and the elder Omega placed her young pup on her hip.

"Come on Natsu. We best be home before papa is so we can tell him all about Shouyou's new house." Natsu nodded excitedly at her mother's words and the young pup's tears seemingly instantly evaporated.  Hinata knew Natsu's dad really wouldn't really give two shits about him but held his tongue out respect for his mother.  The orange-haired Omega was pulled into a side hug by his mom and the elder Omega pressed a short kiss to the top of her pup's head. "Goodbye." She choked out trying to hold back her own tears and Natsu gave her big brother a soft 'bye' as well. Hinata frowned at the phrase and stepped onto the grass as his mom got Natsu into the car and opened her own door.

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