Chapter Eighteen

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There it was again for what felt like the forty-third time. A strange sort of blaring alarm or a rather a unknown ringtone to Hinata who stirred sluggishly once more through his sleepy stupor. The bleating assault halted for no more then ten seconds before rearing back to life in a heated sound that made the orange-haired Omega's ears throb. With an ireful groan and encouragement to investigate from his inner Omega, Hinata used the palms of his hands to try and push himself off from laying still on his stomach. A muscular and large weight pressed down on the male Omega and yet it wasn't suffocating or even causing Hinata to begin to panic at the thought of someone else in his bed. Maybe it was the sea salt and patchouli scent that swathed itself around the much lighter citrus and cherry blossom scent that escaped the orange-haired Omega as his inner Omega realized just what scenario they were both living through. Hinata must've fallen asleep in Kageyama's room and with a deep blush that bit into his heavily freckled cheeks the petite Omega dared to peel open his eyes. One darkened honeyed eye met the darkness of having only one side of his face pressed against the perfectly soft mattress. The other eye gazed peacefully at how the dark-haired Alpha lay draped across his back with Kageyama's stomach meeting Hinata's back. Lax snores escaped the Pureblood Alpha's nose as he nuzzled it further into his Omegan boyfriend's neck and shoulder blowing sleepy puffs air near Hinata's ear and scent glands. The strange raucous ringtone started up again and the orange-haired Omega found himself curious over how the freight train of a human seemed to be able to sleep through auditory incursion. Groaning out this time of annoyance at having to wake his Alpha, Hinata tried his best to get the heavyweight off of his back. It garnered no small fraction of victory.

"Kageyama," the petite Omega started his call to the lofty Alpha mumbled at how half of his face and lush lips were sandwiched against the springy mattress. Kageyama didn't even twitch slightly in his deep sleep and Hinata was quick to furrow his orange brows. "Wake up." It was spoken less cuddly sweet as the first time the male Omega called out to his boyfriend. Once again, the dark-haired Alpha made no movements or acknowledged the words being spoken to him. When the ringtone started up again, Hinata lost his sweetness for the embracing Pureblood Alpha. "Kageyama! Get. Up!" The orange-haired Omega broke apart his screams with pauses and seconds later his Alpha was jolting awake his sea salt and patchouli scent turning rancid in warning for whatever ailed his wailing Omega. Using strong forearms to heave his still asleep body up and off his boyfriend Kageyama hovered over Hinata as the petite Omega rolled onto his back. Denim blue met darkened honey as the dark-haired Alpha quirked a incredulous brow up while waiting for the Omega to speak. "Your phone has been ringing longer than I've been alive." Hinata bit out the phrase acridly. Right after his lips stopped moving, the ringtone began again. "There it goes again." The orange-haired Omega spoke as he watched Kageyama winch in on himself and snap his head to the left where his phone sat plugged in on his cherry-wood nightstand.

"That's my mother's ringtone." The lofty Alpha spoke as his sleep fogged brain slowly whirred to life. "Fuck! I forgot." Kageyama hissed out his bass pitched voice shaking in anger and a small slice of fear. Jumping off of his bed, the dark-haired Alpha shucked off his pajamas and Hinata blushed deeply at the sight of his Alpha's physique in nothing but grey boxers. Rippling muscles under pale skin made his inner Omega purr to life fervently. Darkened honeyed eyes watched as Kageyama threw on dark wash of jeans and a light grey button up. "Fuck," the Pureblood Alpha muttered again as he dashed into his private bathroom. The male Omega set up on the bed and ran his fingers through his tangled and mated orange curls.

"What did you forget?" Hinata called delicately towards the bathrooms as he kept his gaze on the mattress below him. Two minutes passed no answer came so the orange-haired Omega moved to stand before padding off into his boyfriend's bathroom. Darkened honeyed eyes found the lofty Alpha brushing his teeth as denim hued eyes bored into his own reflection. " 'Yama, are you okay?" Hinata asked timidly as Kageyama spit out his mouthwash and began tidying his room.

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