Chapter Nine

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       Kageyama completely disentangled himself from Hinata's petite frame before the orange-haired Omega could blink, which left both Hinata and his inner Omega with their own cases of what could be described best as whiplash.  Darkened honey hued eyes flicked between the dark-haired Alpha and his parents slowly and when the petite Omega caught onto Kageyama's mother's glare he found almost the same denim hue there as Kageyama's.  Although her eyes where a shade or two lighter than her son's they were still ice cold nonetheless.  Hinata's inner Omega was whining out to comfort the obviously distressed lofty Alpha but the stiffness of Kageyama's shoulders kept the orange-haired Omega's back rooted to the entryway wall. 

          "Mother, father you're an hour early," was all Kageyama could choke out as his denim hued gaze quickly shifted to lock onto Hinata's darkened honey one and the petite Omega could've sworn he saw a glimpse of sorrow and maybe even regret hidden in the Alpha's eyes.  Hinata snuck a peek at the dark-haired Alpha's mother and watched as her perfectly manicured brows angled downwards in utter annoyance.  It made a muscle in the orange-haired Omega's jaw twitch and feather as he clenched his teeth down around a defensive growl for Kageyama.

         "Is that a problem son?"  It was Kageyama's father who spoke this time and his bass pitched voice literally sent waves of nausea through Hinata's lower stomach at the way the grey-haired Alpha's amber hued eyes cut into his own darkened honey hued ones.  All the petite Omega could do was gulp down his trepidation as his inner Omega's pleading whines to leave this somehow terrifying situation grew a thousand times louder as the seconds passed by. 

       "No.  Of course, not father," the dark-haired Alpha's voice had never seemed so small and soft and don't even get Hinata started on how diluted the sea salt and patchouli scent had become.  It was now completely taken over by a mixture of the pureblood Alpha bond pair's briny scents that had deeper hints of amber and sandal wood within them.  

       "Good Tobio." the female Alpha swept a hand through her long dark hued tresses to push them over her slender shoulder as she paused in her speaking to scent the air.  Her nose wrinkled up in disgust before she continued speaking.  "Who's your Omegan friend?"  Her azure blue hued eyes narrowed in aversion and Hinata had never heard someone mention his or any secondary gender with that much pent up revulsion hidden beneath their words.  Once again Kageyama's denim hued eyes flickered for the smallest of seconds on Hinata's petite frame before the dark-haired Alpha swallowed so harshly that the orange-haired Omega saw his Adam's apple bob fiercely. 

      "This is Hinata Shouyou," Kageyama bit out through clenched teeth as he kept his numb gaze on the hardwood floor.  "He's a first year as well."  The dark-haired Alpha added as a second thought or at least it seemed that way to Hinata and his inner Omega. 

       "Seems kind of small to play volleyball," the grey-haired Alpha all but spat his insult in the orange-haired Omega's direction as he roved his amber hued glare up and down the petite Omega's frame.  Hinata choked on his snarl and somehow found himself pissed when Kageyama didn't offer him a word of defense or even a pissed of expression towards his father.  Why had Hinata expected the dark-haired Alpha to take offense alongside him?  Oh how, the orange-haired Omega wished he could silence his inner Omega's snarling.  "Don't you think so Tobio?"  All Kageyama did in response was indolently shrug his muscular shoulders.  Hinata felt his anger skyrocket and he had to press his fingernails into the palm of his hands forcefully to keep from growling causing the car keys to jingle loudly.  Orange hued brows flicked up in thought as he found his scapegoat out of this. 

        "Yeah, if you'll excuse me, I've got some stuff to carry in.  I hope you both enjoy the family dinner and meeting the other parents."  Hinata moved to walk closer to the front door but a soft and firm 'oi' from Kageyama had his hastened steps faltering slightly.  The petite Omega snuck a quick glance over his tone shoulder to lock his darkened honey hued eyes onto pleading denim hued ones.  All Hinata did in response was quirk up a brow in a 'go on' motion. 

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