Chapter Twenty

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Hinata stirred awake as an ireful throb of pain pulsed and teased itself against his left brow and the left side of his forehead.  The orange-haired Omega whimpered out softly at the pain as his inner Omega seemingly tried to convince Hinata to call out for their shared Alpha.  However, the petite Omega was too deep into his sleep induced stupor to even think about chirping or mewling out for comfort from Kageyama or any of his packmates.  As the dancing fire of pain slammed against his veins in vexation for a second round it seemed to finally rip Hinata all the way awake.  Darkened honey hued eyes flayed open slowly squinting and wincing into the midday sunlight that streamed in from his bay window.  When had he opened the blackout curtains?  Hinata stretched forwards arching his back in a catlike manner as he took in a deep breath.  Soft and fresh hints of sea salt and patchouli could be detected in the air and instantly the orange-haired Omega remembered all of last night's activities.  Hospital trip included but not how he ended up in his own bedroom, which he could tell by the much more extensive Tiny Giant memorabilia hanging against his cream hued walls.  Did the lofty Pureblood Alpha carry him in?  Then who explained what happened to him to Daichi and Suga?  Anxiety and trepidation zoomed and whirred through his veins and bones like ice biting away at his skin with chilled fangs.  They're only three days away from being done with their punishments from stealing Oikawa's alien statue and Hinata wasn't looking forward to having to be on cleaning duty longer than that.  The soft creak of his bedroom door opening broke the petite Omega out of his thoughts and his gaze was quick to snap to the right in that direction as he hulled himself up to sit on his bed.  Relaxing slightly, when Kageyama entered Hinata smiled at the Alpha wearing a plain black hoodie and pair of sweatpants.  The dark-haired Alpha held a tray full of breakfast pastries in one hand and two travel cups of boba tea in the other.  Denim blue met darkened honey as the dark-haired Alpha flashed a toothy grin at his Omega. 

    "How're you feeling bite-sized dumbass?"  Kageyama's bass pitched voice timbered out as he used his right foot to push the bedroom door closed and shuffled over to sit on the bed with Hinata. 

   "It hurts but I'm not nauseous or anything."  The orange-haired Omega spoke recalling that seeing as he didn't have a concussion the doctor said that he might have some pain induced nausea.  Thankfully he had experienced any yet.  Quite the contrary considering how his stomach and inner Omega snarled to life ravenously over the sugary spiced sweet aroma wafting off of the pastries hit his nostrils.  The tray was placed between them as Kageyama leaned over the space to press a soft kiss to Hinata's uninjured eyebrow causing soft sparks of warm electricity to flow between the two.  The petite Omega purred out at the contact causing them both to blush as they looked away from each other suddenly bashful.

   "Also, I told Daichi and Suga we were on a run together last night when a bicyclist crashed into you and that it caused your injury.  So, no punishments needed and they're going to submit a form of recommendation to the Ranking Office to raise my rank from Subordinate to Epsilon."  Kageyama spoke in passing as he handed his Omega a purple taro milk and lavender boba tea and took a sip of his own brown sugar milk tea flavored one.  How had he known that was Hinata's favorite boba tea flavor?  Excitement zipped through the orange-haired Omega as he was both ecstatic that his Alpha was getting some recognition and that he didn't have to face the Lead Pair's wrath.  His inner Omega chirped merrily at the news.

   "That's so good 'Yama!"  Hinata cooed to his Alpha causing the Pureblood Alpha to rub at the back of his neck in a flustered way as to get away his skyrocketing embarrassment.  "I'm proud of you.  Now I just gotta do something impressive enough to get my own form filled out."  The petite Omega chided playfully sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend in jest before grabbing at a still steaming Ikinari Dango bar and shoveling in half of the treat into his mouth in one bite.  Moaning at the sweat potato and red bean paste flavors mixing together under the mochi shell darkened honey hued eyes drifted shut in food related ecstasy.  It was the best version he'd ever eaten.  Hinata remembered trying to help his mother and Natsu recreate this exact treat but sadly their mochi dough never seemed to turn into the crunchy shell that this desert deserved. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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