Chapter Ten

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        Sizzling water splattered against Hinata's back and side as he leaned his head against the shower wall.  No matter how long he stood there thinking about anything but his growing erection in the heated stream of water, the orange-haired Omega couldn't shake away the swirling pit in his lower stomach.  Hinata dropped his darkened honey hued gaze to find the head of his hard cock pressed against his tone abs.  The petite Omega whined pitifully not wanting to jack off and just wanting to go to bed instead of the extra effort it would wake take to get himself off.  How did he get so horny anyway? 

      Flashes of Kageyama's denim hued gaze and strong face flittered through Hinata's mind much to his inner Omega's delight.  The memory of the tight press of the dark-haired Alpha's hips against his own hips and the way his sea salt and patchouli scent filled the entire area around the two of them.  Before Hinata noticed his right hand had moved it was wrapping around the shaft of his cock and fisting itself tightly around himself.  The petite Omega keened out in pleasure when he rocked his hips up into his fist creating the friction his leaking cock had been oh, so desperately craving.  Hinata closed his darkened honey hued eyes to fully imagine himself seated on Kageyama's lap.  Oh, what the orange-haired Omega would do to have himself straddling over the lofty Alpha's perfect thighs.  Hinata's hips cantered upwards viciously chasing a release he hadn't experienced during the first week and a half of moving into his new pack's den house.  How would Kageyama's strong and calloused hands feel wrapped around his cock as he grinded into him and across the dark-haired Alpha's muscular lap to tease the Alpha's arousal.  A scorching serpent like coil slithered around the orange-haired Omega's stomach and sent tingling waves through his entire petite frame.  The pleasureful buzz in his veins seemed to reach his toes causing them to curl against the wet shower floor. 

       "Fuck," Hinata gasped out as the steaming spring tightened in his lower stomach causing the carnality of his snapping hips to increase their strength and speed.  How would those denim hued eyes bore into him?  Would Kageyama watch his body desperately rock against his own or would the dark-haired Alpha focus his lustful gaze on the orange-haired Omega's face as he literally fell apart in his clutches?  The heated coil tightened once again and Hinata swore he could feel the bone rattling pleasure slamming against his skull as he came closer and closer to his own release.  The petite Omega braced himself up with his left hand against the shower wall as his hips went into overdrive. 

      What would Kageyama look like when he came?  Would the lofty Alpha call his name out or would he just growl and grunt softly against his ear so his steamy puffs of breaths would tickle the orange-haired Omega's scent glands?  How fucking perfect would Kageyama look with his claiming canines elongated and ready to bite down into Hinata's skin to leave the best bruises and hickeys?  Would the dark-haired Alpha want to claim him?  Hinata's hips cantered upwards sloppily as his release finally seemed within his grasp.  The orange-haired Omega's thoughts were quick to drift back to Kageyama.  Denim hued eyes rolling back in ecstasy, dark hued tresses tangled between his petite fingers, large and rough hands digging into his slim hips, their cocks rubbing against each other sinfully as they both moaned out each other's names.  "Ka," Hinata only got through the first bit of Kageyama's name while his impending orgasm broke apart his speech as threw his head back into the now lukewarm stream of water.  "'Yama!"  Hinata moaned out as his orgasm zoomed through his entire body faster than he'd ever experienced.  Thick white ribbons of cum splattered against the shower wall and his right palm as he came with a full body twitch and his darkened honey hued eyes rolled back into his skull.  It took a full minute for the orange-haired Omega to come down from his high and dazedly he cleaned off the shower wall and finished the rest his shower in what could be described only as bliss. 

    Darkened honey hued eyes grew heavy as Hinata finally slipped under his duvet, somehow, he managed to slip on a light grey pair of sweats before he got into bed.  Before the orange-haired Omega could register what he just did he was falling rapidly into the welcoming claws of exhaustion.  Hinata had never fallen asleep so quickly in his entire life.

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