13| Sleepless Night

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A gleam of silver peeked through the crack created by the small separation of the curtains. The soft moonlight gave a bit of luminance to the darkness of the bedroom. The dim light struck the honey-colored stone in Akihiko's hand. He fiddled with the small piece of amber, shifting it throughout his fingers as he stared at its fluorescent glow blankly.

He was laying on his bed, hand suspended in the air and the crystal was positioned between his thumb and index finger. A deep frown had settled onto his face and deep lines were painted onto his forehead. His breathing was slow, his chest rising and lowering at a moderate pace. At times, his eyes would suddenly flicker away to the shut door before returning to the amber held in his fingertips. 

Suddenly a crack slithered down the amber shard. Various lines continued to decorate the crystal before it shattered into multiple sizes of pieces. The shards landed on top of the white short-sleeved shirt he adorned and his arm slumped to his side. He did not bother to wipe away the shards. They would disappear soon enough anyway. A long breath escaped his mouth. Swallowing the lump in his throat, the teenager shot a quick glance at his phone sitting innocently on the bedside drawer. 

How long has it been since he last heard the last name Yama? Besides the time with Junpei at the tag team exams, how long has it been? Akihiko's eyebrow twitched. Was he five or six? Was it when Tomohiro was trying to get custody of them? Was it when Tanami and himself were questioned about their parents?

The teenager did not remember. Perhaps this was due to the fact that he did not want to remember. No, no he would rather forget everything. It was better to forget everything about his parents, about their last name, about the expert craftsmanship both of them displayed. In fact, they preferred to not make anything overly detailed with their crystals. It brought back unwanted memories. However, if they needed to, they would. It was not like they could push away the past forever.

It was horrendous that past memories hung above your head like icicles waiting to drop onto your skull. He twisted and turned on his side, facing where his phone was lying. His gaze lingered on the electronic longer than needed. Pressing his lips together, he hesitantly swiped his phone off his desk. With a shaking grip, he shook his head to rid his hesitance and quickly tapped on the messages app. He scrolled up so he could reread the messages from earlier.

Unknown Number

Hey Yama, do you want to play a game during tomorrow's lesson?


Who is this?

Unknown Number

Aww, come on? Can't ya take a guess?

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