06| Pointed, Loaded

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"Tomo! What's happening?!" Sumiko's worried and rushed tone flooded into Tomohiro's ear from the earpiece.

It was the same day as Akihiko and Tanami's entrance exams, just later in the day. Tomohiro had been called out during the night and to be honest, he was in no mood to work as a part of him had a sneaking suspicion that one of his kids would get hurt and he wanted to be at least nearby. However, he was a Hero and it was his job. The mission itself was due to a lead concerning a villainous group that appeared three years after the fall of the League of Villains. Unlike the LoV, the group Seraph worked quietly and stayed hidden, only striking when deemed necessary. They were constantly compared to rats, sneaky and silent as they skittered in the underground world.

In fact, the only reason Inscribe's agency was given this assignment six years ago was due to the mysterious disappearance of Heroes here and there. The frustrating thing about this was that no one could track the missing Heroes nor the members of Seraph. They could not even figure out what their plan was. They only knew that there were a total of eight and all of them wore bells. Only one was identified and that was from pure luck that Chargebolt ran into him and managed to get his name, Villain name, and Quirk.

The agency had gained intel about three locations where a Seraph could be located. On one hand, it could be a trick, on the other hand, they had no choice but to investigate. Inscribe had informed his team that Phantom and Puppeteer would go to one spot, Charm in another, and him in the last. It was risky not bringing any sidekicks or informing another team agency, but losing one hero instead of a group seemed easier to stomach. They hoped it did not come to that.

Currently, Tomohiro was inspecting a dilapidated and abandoned warehouse when he was suddenly ambushed by a barrage of gunners. He was lucky that he had pulled out his notebook and created a wall of ink to shield himself before finding better coverage.

Teeth clenched together in frustration as beads of sweat collected on the fabric of the midnight gloves Tomohiro wore. His back was pressed against a flipped over metal table that he was using as a source of cover. The soles of his onyx boots rested on the dirty cement floor he sat on. He took a daring glance over the table before he ducked due to the fact that a bullet almost pierced his skull. Taking cover once more, his white eyes watched as Shishi paddled over.

The shiba inu was wagging its tail angrily, eyes slightly narrowed as small, fury filled yelps exited his snout. If the dog had teeth, it would gladly tear off anyone's limbs who dared to try and hurt its owner. However, with no command given, Shishi frustratingly scratched at the cement. Dirt stuck to its ink paws.

"Make sure they stay relatively far away, Shishi." Inscribe instructed with a soft tone. His attention was torn away from the people who wanted to fill his body with holes and instead focused on sketching a few things on a blank notepad.

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