14| Himari's Case

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This chapter contains the description of a dead body. Be warned and skip over the two paragraphs if you are uncomfortable. It will have * to signal the beginning and end.

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"You know," Tanami's voice held a curious tone to it as she cupped her fingers behind her back as she walked beside Kagemi. "It would be an absolute nightmare if this was a locked room murder."

A sneeze was emitted from her left as Kagemi lightly glared at the small batch of flowers innocently blooming by the spot of grass they passed by. His allergies were going to start up if they lingered outside any longer than they needed to. "We couldn't even escape an escape room. We would be goners if it was a locked murder room."

"Seems fun but I doubt we would solve it. We're all fifteen and have like- zero experience with fake or real murders unless you watch those murder or cold case shows." Daiki interjected as he dug his hands into his blazer's pockets. He blew a strand of bubblegum pink hair from his eyes. "And Kohei-san didn't exactly give us a play by play on how to solve one."

"Fake or real, the case is simulated. And as it is, a simulated murder or 'accident', we wouldn't be handed the answers on a silver platter. Nothing is going to be easy. If it was, that would be boring, would it not?" Yoshimi yawned quietly. A wrinkle appeared at the bridge of his nose as he tucked a dual-colored strang behind his ear. His gaze lightly flickered to Akihiko and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Unbeknownst to either twin as one was distracted and the other was happily chatting away with Daiki, the aqua-eyed male discreetly swept over to Kagemi. Releasing another sneeze, Kagemi muttered a short curse under his breath when he felt a small tug on his blazer. Before he could even utter a word, Yoshimi had already whispered a quick line into his ear. "Keep an eye on Akihiko. I have a strong feeling he's not going to last the day without something occurring."

Pulling away from the male, Yoshimi shoved his thumbs into his pockets and lightly gestured at the taller twin. Sighing silently, Kagemi's lips tugged downward into a frown. He solemnly said, "guess I was not the only one to notice, huh?"

"You should stop playing the spiteful card," Yoshimi muttered informatively. "You care about those two, don't you. One more than the other."

Kagemi only clicked his tongue and averted his gaze. Yoshimi chuckled fervently. Neither spoke as they walked side by side.  

Finally, after a good twenty minutes of walking, they made it to their destination. The building in front of them towered over their small bodies. The sunlight struck the windows, illuminating the glass just enough so they would not be able to peer inside even if they wanted to. It looked like a normal structure, albeit a bit old fashioned with a run down beige coating, wooden frames lining the windows, and one of those rectangle umbrellas above the entrance. The group of eleven walked inside, some with curiosity and others releasing an aura or nervousness. Before anyone could utter a single word once inside, a voice broke through the silence hanging in the air.  

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