32| Soothing Touch

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Akihiko blankly stared at the rectangular metal box in his hands, his thumb brushing over the smooth surface. The thin yet reinforced walls of the box blocked the painful waves that were emitted from the shards of painite, moldavite, and Herkimer diamond. His lips pressed together as his grip on the box grew tighter.

Painite... was there some left behind from so many years ago in that bar? When did he even encounter painite in the first place? Where? If these feelings, these situations happened long before he even felt strange, how much did this amethyst affect him, and for how long? It could have been going on since the moment he received his Quirk and he had probably never even noticed. He did not notice actually. Someone had to spell it out for him.

Tomohiro was the one who put the pieces together before he even noticed it himself. Well, what did he expect actually? Tomohiro was a Hero that dug up information for his own work or for others. Settling the final piece of the puzzle should not be such a shock to Akihiko, but he still did not know what to think. Amethyst was indeed said to be a healing crystal. He never really believed it despite the fact he could create them with ease. The crystals never showed any sign of healing or displaying any strange powers. But then again, he did not notice until it was slowly picked apart for him to comprehend.

He slumped in his chair, the back of his jacket ruffling up to reveal his shirt. Next to his ear, he could hear the small thunks of grating crystal. It was bearable now since he did not have amethyst and painite's mystical properties slamming against his skull. Behind him, Tomohiro had a diamond-reinforced carving tool pinched between his fingers. The tip of the sharpened tool pressed against the amethyst before a clink was heard. It sunk into the crystal just enough for Akihiko to feel the strange sensation of something digging into his hair. Lucky for him that the sound did not bother him.

Clink, clink, clink!

Amethyst was said to open a person's third eye. He was not really sure what that meant exactly though. He never dug deep into the knowledge of crystals concerning their 'mystical properties'. He will probably have to do so just to find out which crystals will not make him feel like breaking his hair apart. Painite, moldavite, and Herkimer diamond were the first ones. He blinked, sleep slowly wanting to consume his body and mind. A light smack with the carving tool against his shoulder blade instantly made him perk up in alarm.

"No sleeping yet. This amethyst is already misshapen due to your scratching. I don't want to accidentally chop off a strand and leave it more choppy than it already is."

Akihiko hummed in response. He fiddled with the box, brushing his fingers against the material. He did not know what else to do at this point.

"Why don't you tell me why you were at that old bar?" Tomohiro asked as he narrowed his eyes in concentration. His voice was soft and did not carry an ounce of disappointment as it did earlier. He carefully swept the carving tool in a downward stroke. The end of the amethyst strip curled a bit once it was thin enough.

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