39| Reflective Gemstones

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It is weird when something plays with your consciousness. Like strings wrapped around the nimble fingers of an expert puppeteer while the thin lines are curled around your sound mind. With the simple raise of a poised finger, the string is drawn and you are but a marionette in a master's hands. You are a plaything, easy to move and easy to use. Nothing is controlled by your own free will.

Right now, that was the only way Akihiko could interpret how he felt whenever Akimitsu decided to use his body. Even if it was only a recent occurrence.

He was the one who was born with this body and one that converted in appearance with the arrival of his Quirk. But now, he found himself doubting those notions. Was he really the only one that existed within the depths of his mind for the fifteen years of life that he lived? Or has Akimitsu always been here, hidden within the confines of his consciousness and submerged in a sleep that neither of them could break until the arrival of the unknown appeared? He was not entirely sure what was the truth and what was a lie.

And with that said, Akihiko could really only come up with one simple conclusion: Quirks were something that cannot be comprehended. What was supposed to be an emitter Quirk with the power to convert glass and mirrors into crystals was just the tip of the iceberg. Instead, it revealed itself to be hanging icicles that bore the weight of psychic abilities that he could not comprehend. It did not help that Akimitsu could only explain the bare minimum as the unknown was veiled with a thick layer of fog.

So when he was forcefully pulled back from the confines of his consciousness and his eyelids fluttered open, he was vaguely surprised when he was met with a dome that was crafted with that seemed to be crystalline mirrors. He focused on one lavender panel, gazing at his appearance through the shifting of lights. Three crystals were poised above his eyes and hovered an inch or so away from the center of his forehead. The gemstones were crafted to be diamond-shaped although they were amethyst. His right eye was coated in a crystalline sheet whereas his left still stayed the same.

Akihiko momentarily pressed his lips together as he racked his brain for the right words. "The people outside, they saw me use my Quirk."

Clicking his tongue, Junpei nonchalantly waved his hand. He shook his head. "Akimitsu explained that the exterior is reflecting a point in time that has already happened. It's reflecting our prior conversation to those beyond this plain of space so you have nothing to worry about."

Pressing his middle finger and thumb together, the pink-eyed teenager snapped his fingers. The moment his finger connected with his palm, a bright purple light swirled into existence in between them. The light began to shift, stretching and contorting to mold itself into the form of a luminant butterfly. The newly formed insect tested its glowing wings, fluttering softly as its antennas twitched.

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