10| Daylight Conversations

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The sound of smooth raven paint gliding across the fresh sheet of paper was a refreshing noise that stumbled upon both the sibling's ears every morning since the incident concerning Inscribe's agency. They grew used to the noise, their bodies signaling them to wake from the sound of a few strokes. Slipping quietly out of bed, Akihiko carefully flipped the aqua colored blanket off his body. Still half asleep, he rubbed his eyes with one hand. He allowed his legs to hang over the edge as he settled his frame into a sitting position. Raising a hand to his mouth, he stifled the yawn threatening to free itself from his throat.

It took a few moments for his mind to fully register the comforting noise of paint slithering over the thick sheet of the canvas from the room adjacent from his own. The soothing sound was almost inaudible. The only way he managed to pick up the faintest of noise was due to the fact that the house was ridden of any noise. Only a tranquilizing silence riddled the atmosphere of the home.

Akihiko lightly shook his head left and right, shutting his eyes for a brief moment before opening them. Pushing himself off of his bed, his bare feet sunk into the softness of the mint green carpet adorning the wooden floor of his room. Without much of a thought, the teenager was quick to slip his feet into the mulberry slippers at the end of his bed. Not even sparing a glance at the digital clock, he stumbled out of the room without a care.

He walked a few feet down the hallway before poking his head through the doorway leading to the inside of his guardian's room. He peered at Tomohiro's slightly hunched form before rapping his knuckles against the open door to signal his arrival.

A jubilant chuckle had slipped out of Tomohiro's lips while his chest barely rumbled from the soft laughter emitted. The thirty-three-year-old gestured for his adopted son to step inside with a flick of his wrist. Akihiko complied, stepping into the beige painted room without a single word.

"You know you don't have to announce yourself with a knock. I'm perfectly fine with you walking in. Tanami usually barges in here anyway." Tomohiro said while bringing his paintbrush down in a fine swoop. He placed the brush into a cup three quarters filled with clear water afterward.

"I know but, I feel obligated to do so. It is just a habit that I have stuck with." Akihiko responded as his gaze maneuvered around the room. It was the same as always, except with a few minor changes.

The room itself was fairly simple. A bed was pressed up against the wall, cinnamon colored sheets draped across the mattress as white pillows were strewn at the top. Shishi had currently claimed the center of the bed as his own. It was curled up in a ball, muzzle almost digging into the blanket as small, almost inaudible huffs escaped through its nostrils. A wooden bedside table with a medium sized lamp placed on top was near the window covered by white, almost transparent curtains.

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