00| Obsidian Ink

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A biting zephyr fluttered through the bustling city of Kyoto, welcoming those who ventured its streets with an icy greeting. Colorful leaves joyfully soared through the air, dancing hand in hand with the wind that released a whistling tune. Suddenly, the wind released its grasp on the autumn leaves and watched with a teasing eye as they tumbled with a swirl. Moments before the leaves connected with the sidewalk, the breeze swooped underneath them and carried them across the sky.

The rapid onslaught of footfalls echoed with every tap. No step fell simultaneously, and if someone paid enough attention, they would only be greeted with an unrhythmic song. Crowds of people traversed across the sidewalk and did as they pleased. Some had pressed their phones to their ears, chatting with the person on the other line, while others walked with their companions to their desired destination.

Turning away from the people, various cars of multiple colors waited at the red light at the intersection. Few could be seen cursing at the streetlight that refused to change hue despite it being three minutes of it being scarlet, and some only tapped impatiently on the surface of the wheel. Now and then, a loud honk vibrated against the air.

Unlike Musutafu, where Heroes patrolled by the dozens, the city of Kyoto was one where many did not. Villains did not ravage as frequently, and if they did, the Heroes lurking in the shadows would eliminate them effortlessly. Crime was hidden in the darkness, away from the peering eyes of civilians.

Pulling the rim of the styrofoam cup away from his lips, a lethargic sigh slipped free from his lips. The liquid burned his esophagus, yet he paid no heed to the sensation enveloping his nerves. For a moment, the steam wafted in his face, warming up his face in a way that made him feel feverish. Swallowing the rest of his coffee, he savored what was left of the bitterness on his taste buds. The edge of his nail tapped against the cup's side, drumming in boredom as he walked.

He tugged at the end of his dark gray jacket with his other hand, fingers lightly bruising against the tip of the calligraphy pen strapped to his belt. Although he did not wish to check, he found himself content with knowing that it was still there. Raising his gaze, his eyes scoured the busy sidewalk he treaded before shifting his attention. As the sun began to fall, the sky had seemingly become a canvas. Slathered with strokes of orange, red, and purple, the beautiful view that descended the city was seen once again.

Unlike the other civilians, his footsteps were inaudible despite falling in the same rhythm as everyone else. Weaving through the groups of citizens with ease, his white eyes briefly scrutinized all of those he passed. However, before getting any further, fabric colored a dark blue caught his attention. Twisting his head to the right, he noticed a group of girls that wore familiar blue blazers and plaid scarlet skirts.

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