01| Crystal Specters

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There are two things that Tomohiro despised more than being in the spotlight: hospitals and meetings.

The atmosphere in a hospital always left him feeling a twinge of pity and sadness in the depths of his chest. He never did like seeing bedridden citizens suffer, whether it be by an illness or injuries. He would always keep his eyesight on his shoelaces, never truly wanting to lock eyes with a patient to see the anguish dancing in their irises. Plus, the walls were lifeless, the lights hurt your eyes if you stared at them too long, no entertainment, and the food was pretty crappy.

Tomohiro slumped in the metal chair he sat in, hands in his lap as Shishi decided to make a home out of his jacket. The zipper was pulled downward halfway, the shiba inu's head peeking out as it sat on his stomach. The hero tugged his cap downward like he wanted to hide his inky locks. He stared boredly at the table. Sometimes his eyes would dart to the door, hoping a nurse would come by and inform him of the twin's conditions.

The click of a door entered his ears and the illustration hero instantly perked up. To his disappointment, only a person in the form of a detective strolled inside. Tomohiro nearly rolled his eyes and scoffed. Great, a meeting, interview, whatever this was going to be.

"Inscribe, no animals are allowed in the hospital unless they are service animals." the detective with slick apple green hair stated as he took a seat on the other side of the table. The man appeared to be in his late forties, donned in a suit with an olive tie and a black trenchcoat. He placed a briefcase on the table as quietly as he could.

Scoffing, Tomohiro scrunched his nose up. "Shishi is a dog made of ink. He can't make anyone have an allergic reaction because he has no fur. Plus, he doesn't breathe so he isn't living. And if your concern is him biting someone, he has no teeth."

To further prove his point, the white-eyed male stuck his fingers in his dog's mouth and opened it. Not a single tooth was shown, not even gums.

"Nonetheless, get rid of him," the detective barked with steeled green eyes.

Shishi whined softly in retort. If it did not look disrespectful, Tomohiro would have thrown his head back and groaned. He settled for a glare and delicately took Shishi out of his jacket. Holding the dog in one arm, he took out a notebook and opened it. He tilted his head toward a blank sheet. With reluctance, the ink animal tapped the sheet with a paw. In a flash, the page had acquired a sketch of a shiba inu.

Spreading his fingers out, Tomohiro said with spite, "there you go,"

The detective did not respond to that movement. "My name is Detective Osamu Naoki. I have been dispatched to get your word on the matter of the twins."

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