33| Muddled Sights

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Monday came along much sooner than Akihiko wanted. Then again, he did sleep through the entirety of Sunday because of his little escapade on Saturday. To be honest, he preferred to sleep through the rest of the day but he already missed enough school. More than what he liked. He really cannot afford to miss anymore. He still had to complete his algebra homework and an essay for history. He, unfortunately, had to ask for an extension on his homework and considered himself extremely lucky that his teachers understood and gave him a couple more days to complete them.

The sound of his lunch tray lightly hitting against the table as he placed it down echoed a bit. He winced, his ears still buzzing a bit from the mild effects of amethyst. At times, a sharp throb would strike the sides of his head but nothing too bad that it would hinder his daily activities at the moment. He desperately hoped that he would not encounter a slab of painite somehow. That would be absolutely fantastic.

Just as he slid into his seat, Tanami plopped down in the seat to his right and carefully placed her tray down. Her brows connected as she tried hard not to tip over the cup of orange juice she had gotten. Almost right after did Daiki, Kagemi, Yoshimi, and Yua follow her example except with less care. Yua's brows were furrowed in irritation as Tanami had forcefully dragged her over to the lunch table that they occupied by pleading with her all morning.

The refreshing scent of food filled Akihiko's nostrils as he used his chopsticks to pick up a bit of soba. Even if he had not eaten it yet, just sitting down and taking a break made his body relax. He did not even know his muscles were clenched tight until he allowed himself to take a deep breath. Or maybe that was the amethyst. The crystal was supposedly good at relieving stress but he felt like it just kept piling on until it wanted to be negated.

Akihiko shoved the soba in his mouth to keep himself from groaning aloud. He had no clue as to how the amethyst worked. He believed it had a mind of its own because it constantly hummed or buzzed or flicked the sides of his head whenever certain people talked or grew close. Blinking twice, he decided to concentrate on the steam swirling upward in curls from the steaming hot soup that laid in a couple of his classmates' bowls.

Around them, various students began to filter into the room. Some rushed over the lunch line while others hurried to pick one of the many tables scattered across the cafeteria. Voices of different conversations amongst the students collided. Nothing was fully understood unless you really focused on a group's conversation. Sunlight filtered through the glass windows and some rays struck the twins' hair. A bright shine emitted from the amethyst and a bit of red and aqua mixing in somehow. Their small group did not blink or flinch from the sharp light since they had already grown accustomed to the vibrant flashes attacking their vision.

He was glad no one questioned his and Tanami's slightly new appearance. After a bit of begging, Tomohiro begrudgingly performed the same carving procedure that he did for Akihiko. Since the male twin's hair suffered from his clawing, his was much more choppy and curled at the ends. Tanami's was more even so the strips curled inward with ease into a shoulder-length bob. It was strange seeing his sister with a normal hairstyle and it was the same vice versa. It was also weird to fall asleep since he was used to the jagged pokes and not soft touches.

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