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The sound of crystal and bone colliding together harshly rang through both of the teenager's eardrums. Crossed against each other, a katana created of black tourmaline slid against the surface of a piece of curved bone. Gritting his teeth, Akihiko narrowed his eyes in slight annoyance before he applied more force into his arm. The edge of the sword managed to nick the bone before it sliced through it.

Shimada shoved himself back just as the tip of the crystal blade dangerously swept across his throat. Beads of sweat slid down the olive-haired male's face as he curled his body into a backflip. As gracefully as one could land on their feet without being cut with the sharp slices of a blade, Shimada landed with a bit of difficulty.

Without giving the boy a chance to take a breather, Akihiko curled his hand into a fist in front of him. One of the four angled pieces of black tourmaline shattered, fragments piercing the air as they soared. Shimada's eyes widened briefly before he instantly raised both hands. The fragments of crystal banged against the bones that elongated from his forearms, nicking at the curved pieces slowly to chip at. Since some had flown past his defensive position, they sliced through his clothes and skin like before.

The member from Team Beta clenched his teeth, trying to ignore the pricks of pain that danced across his skin. Once he felt the pricks come to a close, he raised his head slightly. With much caution, he peeked through his arms in search of his opponent. His lips parted a bit in confusion as he did not see Akihiko in front of him any longer. He loosened his stance.

All of a sudden, he felt a sharp hit collide with his back and a strained gasp left his lips. The unexpected attack shoved him forward and sent him tumbling to his knees. Not one to give up so easily, Shimada slammed both of his palms into the concrete ground before pushing himself back onto his feet. He stumbled a tad as he regained his balance. The olive-haired boy chuckled lightly as he swiped a couple of beads of sweat from his chin. He heaved, inhales and exhales sounding haggard.

"Man, you do pack a punch," the amber-eyed male said in an airy tone. "Both you and your sister are hard opponents. But, here's the thing, I don't like losing."

Shimada reached behind him as a piece of jagged bone tore through his skin and the fabric of his clothes. Elongated nails scratched at the base of the bone like it was nothing. It was not long before his sharp claws sliced through and broke the piece off his spine. Once it was firm in his grasp, Shimada swung his arm as he caught a gleam in his peripheral vision. Bits of black tourmaline sliced through the air, whistling sharply as they grew closer. His teeth clenched down harshly as the crystal banged against the bone.

Forcing his arm to move with a bit more strength, Shimada managed to shove aside the fragments of black gemstone. The pieces soared, fracturing as they flew. The shards of crystal collapsed, banging against the concrete ground like raindrops hitting a glass plane. It would have sounded prettier if he was not being attacked.

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