29| Hearing Pitter-patter

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By the time that Akihiko and Teshigahara were drawing close to his home, the skies had been overridden by the darkened and heavy billows that slowly came together throughout the day. The glare of the setting sun was veiled by the clouds. The soft pitter-patter of droplets raining down from above fell around the two. Puddles began to form in bunches wherever they could as the evening was assaulted by a drizzle. Ripples danced across the surface of the puddles.

The streets that lead to his home were mostly empty except for the occasional car running down the asphalt. The raindrops clinked against the amethyst that created Akihiko's hair. The drops would slip off the jagged surface, washing off the polish that he had applied early in the morning. A soft frown graced the teenager's lips as he realized this. It was not the worst thing in the world though.

He was lucky and unlucky that his Quirk transformed his hair into amethyst. Only some crystals could be placed safely in the wet hands of water, saltwater especially. It could literally come out to a mineral living or dying in some cases. Some gemstones could lose their luster, others could rust, and depending on how hard they are, many could indeed dissolve if they were submerged in water. He was grateful that amethyst was safe from any of those things. Nonetheless, he still needed to polish because if he did not, he could accidentally cut himself on a sharp edge.

Once the sight of his home came into view, Akihiko could not ignore the sharp glow of purple emitted on the porch. Sitting on the white wooden railing was Tanami, lazily swinging her legs back and forth as her brown boots were splattered with droplets. She was not coated in a fresh layer of water like he and Teshigahara because the porch managed to shield most of her body.

Although the boy wished against it, periwinkle eyes that mirrored his own connected. Diamond irises stayed gazing at each other before he was the first to turn away. Since he was too far to notice, he missed the way a frown tugged at his sister's lips. It was not long before Akihiko and Teshigahara arrived at the doorstep. He ushered the woman inside, handing her the pet carrier he was carrying where Mocha laid. The woman did so with a chuff.

Taking in a deep breath, Akihiko forced his feet to take a series of steps. He was careful to not kick any of the pots with bonsai trees or iris' that Tomohiro loved to take care of. Suddenly he stood in front of his twin who had already jumped off the railing of the porch as the soles of her shoes rested on the ground with a soft thump. Her hands were stuffed into a dark purple windbreaker, the hood ruffling a few times from a short breeze that blew.

Even if this was his twin standing in front of him, he found a cold feeling of dread gnaw at him in his chest. He felt a dull pain assault his temples for a few seconds before it faded away. Tanami's eyes had narrowed briefly, violet lashes hiding specs of her periwinkle irises. Blinking once, she observed the way her brother positioned herself.

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