26| Cerulean Eyes

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A total of nineteen times did Akihiko visit Inscribe's agency throughout his ten years of knowing the Hero. Granted, Inscribe was his father and the man who adopted him and his sister so it only made sense that they would visit. Nonetheless, nineteen is still a small amount given the fact that he is technically the son of a Hero, even if he was not blood-related. Not that they did much when they did visit.

Unexpectedly, a fond smile curled up onto the edges of his lips. The first time he came here was three months after Tomohiro gained full custody of them. At first, the twins were skeptical because adults were not the greatest people but they somewhat trusted Tomohiro. He was a Hero and he did save them and they were mostly certain that nothing bad could happen. Shishi was their doggy babysitter for the majority of the time even if Tomohiro never left them out of his sight while he worked.

The agency itself was bustling with various people walking in and out through the front doors. Some were normal civilians, employees, or sidekicks coming in for their shifts. Unlike them, however, Akihiko, Sumiko, and Tomohiro entered through the back entrance. The three were in the elevator, watching the digital numbers change as they ascended.

Since it took some time for them to get to the right floor, Akihiko allowed his mind to wander a bit. The long draw of a sigh left the teenager's lips as he lightly tugged against the small crystal that fell onto his cheek. The amethyst was smooth and incredibly solid and cold all at the same time. His lips tugged downward in a frown before the gemstone slipped from his fingertips.

Today was Saturday and he fought with Tanami Wednesday night. From then on, neither spoke to the other. He managed to hackle a couple of chats from Yua. His classmate was staying for the duration of the exercise from school. Something about Madam Psyche that ended with Tomohiro becoming furiously angry. Then again, he was not all that thrilled to hear that the two of them fought. In the end, Tanami was grounded while he was not. Though he suspected he would be if his mental health did not take such a dive that day.

It was weird. He has never fought such a grand argument with his sister before. Minor ones filled with petty and sarcasm, yes. One like this, no. Akihiko just could not wrap his head around the difficulty Tanami displayed in comprehending his own thoughts. It was not like he was throwing everything that happened in the dumpster. He acknowledged it and he cannot let it define his life anymore.

Such a thing will never leave him but he cannot immerse himself in it any longer. If he wanted to grow as a person, as a future Hero, there were some things that he needed to overcome. Tanami did not understand that and he did not get it. He felt a twinge of sorrow strike at his heartstrings. Even if the two did not see eye to eye this time, it did not make him feel any less bad.

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