11| Escape Room

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"What in the absolute hell?! What do you mean escape room?!" A boisterous voice exclaimed so high that Tanami and Akihiko cringed from the pain ringing in their ears. The person who voiced their thoughts was a girl who had cupped her hands around her mouth to project her voice. Her cerulean eyes shined with confusion and exasperation. Jumping up and shaking her fist at relatively nothing, her chocolate hair tied in a braid fluttered behind her. "You can't be serious!"

No static flowed out from the speaker. Just dead silence. They waited a few seconds before someone decided it was high time to break the silence.

"It's exactly as Sukabe-san, Kohei-san? Hmm, we'll confirm that later. It's exactly how our teacher explained. Did you flip a coin and land tails? Was the consequence that it went through one ear and out the other? Was it now? Oh, the anguish! I'm stuck with an imbecile of a classmate!" Junpei had placed a hand over his heart and gasped dramatically. "You poor soul! How must the heavens despise thee!"

"The heavens are about to welcome someone else if you say another word!" the girl retorted with her fists swinging behind her. She stepped toward Junpei, sending him a harsh glare. The boy smiled, almost challenging her to draw closer.

Before the brewing argument could escalate, Yoshimi's deadpan voice broke through the tense atmosphere. Not even tearing his gaze from the game he was playing on his phone, he started to speak. "As much as I would love to hear the two of you rattle on, we need to find a way out of here. Unless you want to spend your day like sitting ducks, I suggest we introduce ourselves and say our Quirks. We can move on from there."

"Fine, fine!" the cerulean-eyed girl muttered like it was a waste of time. "I'm Cho Mei. My Quirk is called Paper Jester. I can control any paper and do as I please. I can make it as strong as steel and as sharp as a diamond, which is like the sharpest material ever. That's all you need to know, and just so you know, you'll all be definitely relying on a Powerhouse like me!"

At the word diamond, the twins stared at her for a moment longer than necessary. Tanami's fingers twitched and a deep frown settled on Akihiko's face. Given the fact that they can actually make pure diamonds, it was insulting that she made such a statement. It sent disgusted shivers up their spines. The two made eye contact before Akihiko lightly jutted his chin in Mei's direction. Tanami nodded in affirmation.

"Actually," Tanami commented sharply. Raising a hand and shaking it awkwardly to get her classmates' attention, she took three steps forward from her position in between her brother and her friend. "Diamond is not the sharpest material. At least, crystal related. I believe it would be similar to paper as well."

Mei rolled her eyes in disgust before tucking a piece of chocolate hair behind her ear. She turned to face the female twin, looking at Tanami up and down before settling on the purple shards hanging from her head. Nonetheless, Mei crossed her arms over the navy blue blazer and in an attempt to salvage the little knowledge she knew, she responded with, "well, how do you know that? You probably don't know how strong a diamond is."

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