Chapter 25 - Afterlife

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Jisoo POV

"Where am I?" I thought to myself as I felt warmth just surround me. I suddenly remembered what happened. "Right I died. Is this after life?" I asked myself as I stood up and saw fields of flowers and a woman that I just can't seem to remember.

"Long time no see Jisoo!" The woman said as she helped me get up. "Who are you?" I asked and the woman just sighed.

"And back to square one." She said as she sighed again. "Allow me to introduce myself." She started.

"I am Hong Soojoo. Your soul guardian." She said and questions already filled my mind. "What the hell is a soul guardian?" "No need to think about it Jisoo I can read your mind." She said and I backed away a bit.

"Basically a soul guardian is someone that looks after a person's soul. Souls live on forever and we just die because of the body." She said and I got a bit of understanding.

"Then what do soul guardians do?" I asked out of curiousity. "Seriously you need to stop asking me the same questions over and over." She said looking a bit annoyed. "I'm sorry? but have I met you before?" I asked a bit confused.

"Geez why do mortals have to forget their memories when in the after life." She mumbled but I could still hear her. "This is actually our fifth time meeting." She said and I was in shock.

"I didn't die 5 times did I?" I asked myself. "Actually you did." She said and I forgot that she could read my mind. "How is it possible though?" I asked wanting to get an answer.

"As I said the soul never dies but bodies do. It's all a matter of reincarnation." She said and I raised my brow about to ask another question but she cutted me. "Yes yes reincarnation is possible but the thing is you could only reincarnate about 10 times making it 11 lives in total."

"What would happen to the soul if all 11 lifes ran out?" I asked. "Simple. It will stay here in the after life or go to either heaven or hell." She said without hesitation at all.

"What life am I now?" I asked again. "You just died on your fifth." She said. "Also you didn't call me Soojoo Sooya." She added pouting and I laughed.

"Sorry Soojoo it's just a lot to take in." I said as my laughed disappeared. "Did I really die?" I asked a stupid question. "Wow really? If you were still alive I bet you'd be with Jennie." Soojoo said as I raise my brow. "How do you know Jennie?" My mind said.

"First of all I know everything about you more than yourself." Soojoo said and I laughed awkwardly. "Does she also know that I sometimes dance infront of the mirror naked?" My thoughts suddenly said.

"Of course I do and I'd like to unsee that." Soojoo said and I blushed at embarrassment. "Second of all Jennie is your sister in this life of course I'd know her." She said and I raised my brow.

"What do you mean 'in this life'? Isn't Jennie always been my sister?" I thought to myself and Soojoo suddenly burst out laughing as if I thought of something funny.

"I mean what I said Jisoo." She said still laughing. "Jennie is actually your soulmate." She said and my eyes widened.

"I guess I need to explain yet again?" She said as she clapped her hands and a couch suddenly popped up. "Get yourself comfy also I practically live here so don't even question about the couch." Soojoo said and I nodded as I sat on the couch.

"In your first to fourth life she wasn't your sister at all. Your sister was mostly Irene but sometimes even Seokjin becomes your brother." She explained. "Isn't Irene a royal velvet? And isn't Seokjin part of the Bangtan brothers?" I recalled.

"Every life is different Jisoo." she said. "The thing about soulmates though is that you always get to meet each other but it doesn't always mean you'll end up together." she added.

"If Jennie's my soulmate why did she became my sister?" I asked looking at the ring she gave me that I wasn't even aware I was wearing. "Perhaps the Gods did something." She said as she popped out a frigde to get some food.

"So was Jennie being my twin a mistake?" I asked. "Well Gods don't make mistakes so it's probably something else." Soojoo said as she placed a timer on a microwave.

"Ok this doesn't add up!" I said rubbing my temples in frustration. "I'm surprised you didn't bother knowing about your previous lives." Soojoo said staring at the microwave waiting for the timer to go off.

"So Soojoo what exactly happen to my past life?" I asked and she let out a soft chuckle. "In every life a person would atleast make one or two major mistake. Your fifth life though was different." She stated.

"What do you mean different?" I asked and the timer stopped. "You didn't make any mistake that's all." She said and I looked at her confused while she just started wearing her gloves and took out the food she was heating.

"Pizza?" She asked and I couldn't help but accept. I didn't even know the food but my stomach would be angry if I didn't take it.

"As much as I'd like to explain it to you. Your stomach wants food rather than answers." Soojoo said taking a bite of the thing she called Pizza.

I took a bite of it and just devoured it the moment I liked it. "Let's eat first Jisoo." She said as I only nodded and took another piece.

"Hey let's watch Netflix." Soojoo said. "Soojoo what's Netflix?" I asked. "Right I forgot you got reincarnated into a late era." She said as she popped out a huge black box.

Suddenly the box started to change colors. "Pick a movie." She said and I just randomly pointed on one. "Oh Frozen good choice! There's also a second movie so let's take our time." She said and I laughed. "I guess my stay here will be much more interesting than I thought." I said.

"It never gets old." Soojoo said and I took another slice as the black box started to show colors and moving animations.

"I'll watch over you Jen I promise but right now I think I'll take a well deserve break." I said to myself. "It's nice to have you back Sooya." Soojoo said and I smiled at her before paying attention to the screen.

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