Chapter 5 - Picking Presents

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Only 6 days remaining before the twins celebrate their birthdays and that's more than enough time to buy each other gifts.

"Soojin can you accompany me later?" Jisoo ask her favorite maid. Well their kinda friends and Jisoo is most comfortable with her. "Are you going to buy something for Jesoon?" She asked. "Just like always!" Jisoo said cheerfully which made Soojin laugh. "Ok then I'll accompamy you." She answered Jisoo's first question.


"Come on Soojin hurry! I still haven't decided what to give her!" Jisoo said as she eagerly pulls around Soojin with her as they check shop by shop.

"Hey how about this ring?" Soojin and Jisoo shook her head. "Jendeuk has too many rings." She said and she was still looking around for something she could give Jennie. She knew accessories would be best to give her but Jisoo as the perfectionist that she is refused to get something Jennie already has a ton of.

Jisoo roamed around the shop and Soojin lost sight of her. She was too focused on Jennie's present that she didn't even notice a red haired girl right beside her.

They bumped but Jisoo didn't fell. She finally snapped out of focusing into one thing and then finally going back to reality to see a beautiful red haired girl.

"Oh my I'm so sorry!" Jisoo said lowering her head embarrassed. Soojin apologized too for Jisoo being all clumsy since Soojin found Jisoo at the exact same time collision happened. "It's alright right Alice?" The red haired girl said to an older girl most likely her sister since they look alike.

"If it's fine for you Rosé then I'll let it slide." Alice said as she smiled at her sister Chaeyoung. "We forgive you so don't worry about it." Rosé said and then passed by Jisoo. To Jisoo time slowed down as the girl was passing by her. Thin strings of red were dancing with the wind and both eyes met for a few seconds before parting.

Jisoo felt a blush rose on her cheeks but she shook it off and focused on getting a gift for Jennie. "What was that Jisoo?" Jisoo thought to herself as Rosé's voice echoed inside her head. "How could a voice get so melodic at such a young age?" Jisoo asked herself again before taking a glance at every corner just to see this girl named Rosé.

Jisoo decided to ignore the loud beating of her heart and continued her search for a perfect birthday present. She finally came across a heart shaped necklace and it was the perfect size for Jennie too.

"Umm excuse me do you have any other designs of this." Jisoo asked the casier as Soojin lifted Jisoo up since she was a bit short. Jisoo made sure to get the most pretty and unique necklace she can get but she doesn't really shop much so she doesn't really know what to do.

Jisoo decided to ask Soojin but she also didn't have an answer. Then Jisoo thought of an idea to ask the person beside them and coincidence it was Rosé.

"Umm do you think this would be good as a gift?" Jisoo ask Rosé trying so hard not to stutter as her heart was beating rapidly. "This looks great it would be perfect for her!" Rosé said with a smile. "I agree it does look wonderful." Alice said as she pointed to the heart shaped flower necklace.

" Alice said as she pointed to the heart shaped flower necklace

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"It's decided then Jisoo. This is going to be Jendeuk's present." Jisoo said to herself as she told Soojin to pay for the necklace. "Umm thank you for helping me pick." Jisoo said as she unconsciously rubbed her arm.

"It's no problem! If I were in your situation I would do the same!" Rosé said in a gentle tone soft enough to make Jisoo's heart melt. "Well until we meet again I guess." Jisoo said as she waved goodbye to the red haired girl as the girl waved goodbye to Jisoo with a smile.

*In the Palace*

"I guess this settles it." Jisoo said in her head as she plopped herself on the bed. "I hope she likes it." Jisoo thought as she looked at the necklace before giving it to Soojin for the necklace to be wrapped inside an elegant box.

*Jennie POV*

There was still enough time to pick a present before our birthday but I was too eager to get something for Jisoo. I love giving her gifts and her reaction makes it better.

I love it when she's happy, when she smiles, especially when she's not faking it. I called in Park Sooyoung but I prefer calling her Chahee. "Is there anything wrong lady Jesoon?" Chahee and I walked up to her and told her that I need to get Jisoo a present.

She agreed immediately and the both of us got dressed. We somehow got into the same store Jisoo was in earlier but of course I didn't know until Chahee informed me that Jisoo was here for a while.

"Chahee what do you think Jisoo would like?" I asked my companion. "I'm pretty sure she'd like anything you give her." She replied which made me clueless about the gift for her. I scratched my head before I sigh. "You know Jesoon it's not always the present that matters but the person who gave it." Chahee said which gave me a little bit of hope that Jisoo might just like her present that I haven't even decided.

"Doesn't the same rule apply to memes? Like when you laugh at the joke because you like the person who said it?" I said in an annoyed tone which made Chahee chuckle. "I think you already get my point." She said before showing me an area of the shop that contained rings.

"I believe Jisoo doesn't have rings that much but I kinda think you should buy a bigger one for her to use as an adult." She said as I started to choose which ring to give her. After a few minutes of sorting I finally found the perfect ring for her. I do hope she'll use it when we grow up.

"Umm Jesoon this is an engagement ring

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"Umm Jesoon this is an engagement ring..." Chahee said a bit confused. "Hmm? It's still a ring isn't it." I said with a smile as I see no problem with it and what's 'engagement'? I ask myself.

Chahee sighed but still bought the ring for me and I smiled my usual gummy smile. "You do want me to wrapped this maam?" The cashier told Chahee and she nodded in response. After paying Chahee took my gift to Jisoo and we now took a ride back to the palace. I'm so excited for our birthday and I hope she's excited too.

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