Chapter 30 -A new life

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Wanna ask you guys something. What's a homomantic heterosexual??

3rd POV

Fresh air and birds chirping were the first thing that greeted Jisoo on a friday morning. "Jisoo wake up!" her mother said from the kitchen which made Jisoo yawn. "Geez I wanted more sleep." Jisoo taughts as she spend the whole night reading her book.

Jisoo lived far away from the city rather she lived in the country without much buildings that created smoke. She was thankful for that since she dislikes it when the air she breathes is contamimated.

"Oh finally awake sleepyhead?" her older brother greeted. "Cut me off some slack Junghun. It's 7 in the morning." Jisoo said as she got out of her room and made herself some tea. She isn't much of a coffee person since she thinks that too much caffeine would be bad.

"And this is why I'm her favorite." Jiyoon, Jisoo's older sister said. "I have no favorites Jiyoon!" Jisoo said comfirming that she loves her siblings equally. "See? It's obvious I'm Jisoo's favorite." Junghun started and before the siblings started a fight their father stopped them.

"Stop it you two! You guys act like you aren't 20." Jisoo's dad said which ended the soon to be world war 3 of the siblings.

Jisoo was just there sipping her tea eating her breakfast her mom made. "So Jisoo are you willing to go to high school?" Her mom suddenly said which almost made Jisoo choke.

"Can't I just get homeschooled? Unnie and oppa are already in college they could teach me." Jisoo said not wanting to go to the city but she was tempted. Her friend Soojoo that would constantly visit her would tell her all about the city which made Jisoo a little curious.

"True your oppa is graduating this year and next year would be your unnie but we want you to experience high school Jisoo." Jisoo's dad explain as Jisoo just hummed.

"But then again I prefer a quite place than a busy and noisy one." Jisoo replied. "Sooya you do know that libraries exist right?" Junghun said looking at her sister.  "I'm aware about that oppa." Jisoo said. "Oh I forgot to mention we're about to enroll you at Soojoo's school." Jisoo's mom said which caught her attention but didn't showed it.

"Oh? You're usually glad when Soojoo is mentioned by why not this time?" Jiyoon said. "That idiot just called me at midnight telling me to sleep." Jisoo said well more like admitted.

"Jisoo.......were you awake at midnight?" Mrs.Kim said rather menacingly. "W-well the book was  getting good and......I got carried away." Jisoo confessed before laughing nervously.

"I'll be taking your book everynight from now on." She said to which Jisoo felt like a nightmare. "PRECIOUS WONDERFUL PIECES OF PAPER NOOOO!!!" Jisoo mentally screamed and she could feel her siblings empathy for her.

"Oh right Soojoo is going to visit tommorow." Jiyoon suddenly said but it failed to calm down a mentally crying Jisoo. "If anyone ask where I'd be then I'll be locking myself in my room with my books." Jisoo said before placing her plate on the sink as the maid started washing it.

Despite living in the country the Kims are rather wealthy. It may not look like it but Mr.Kim was a CEO of some sort but he and his family preferred to live out of the city.

"So will Soojoo be able to convince little Sooya?" Jiyoon asked as Mr. and Mrs.Kim chuckled. "It really just depends on Jisoo but I wish Soojoo to be successful. I want Jisoo to have more friends than she already has now." Mrs.Kim said as the Kim siblings just smiled.

The next day

Soojoo POV

I'm on my way to the country where Jisoo and her family lives to try and convince her to go with me for high school. She's already 15 and it would be a great opportunity for her to meet her soulmate since well we go to the same school.

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