Chapter 31 - New Student

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I'm ranting to my bestfriend about how Soojoo looks a bit like Irene and ughhh. My gay has not calm down. Just look at this

I'm sorry I have wasted your time

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I'm sorry I have wasted your time.

3rd POV

The alarm rang and Jennie quickly got up and turned it off. "Geez another day of school." she thought as she got up and did her morning routine.

"Oh Jennie goodmorning." her mom greeted as she got out her room for breakfast. "Morning mom." Jennie said before taking a seat and got some kimchi fried rice.

"So how is it?" Her mother said smiling. "It's amazing mom." Jennie said with a smile. "Say did Dad already go to work?" she asked. "Yeah your father has been busy lately." her mom said as Jennie hummed. She finished her breakfast and did her dishes.

"I'll be going now mom!" Jennie said as she got out of her house and walked to her school before Doyeon and Nayeon accompanied her.

"Goodmorning Jen." The both of them greeted. "Morning guys." Jennie said as they walked to school.

"Hey did you hear?" Said Nayeon. "What Nayeon?" Jennie asked. "There's going to be a new student!" she answered and Doyeon just smirked knowing who it is.

"I wonder who it is." Doyeon said. "A new student in the second semester huh." Jennie just said before they continue walking as they arrived in school.

"Huh?" Nayeon suddenly said. "Is something wrong Nabong?" Jennie asked. "'s just unusual for President Hong to just stand there." Nayeon said pointing at Soojoo.

"She probably got informed that there's a new student." Doyeon said as she continued walking. "'re right but President doesn't really wait though." Jennie said sighing before she followed Doyeon who was ahead. "Hey wait for me!" Nayeon said as she walked quickly towards them.

Later at class

Jennie POV

I entered class and sat down as my friends also sat on their chairs. A few moments later a girl came in. "Is she the new student?" I asked myself as I looked at the girl that looked like she got out of an anime or something.

"Doesn't she resemble Irene-shi." I thought to myself thinking that she looks a bit like our upperclassmen or women I guess.

"Hello my name is Kim Jisoo. Please take care of me." She said in a surprisingly husky voice. It isn't really deep rather it's quite unique.

She sat besides the president which is kind of the only seat available because everyone is scared if they piss her. Totally understandable I mean the president is bipolar. She could turn all sweet and the next thing you know she's mentally cursing you.

I looked at her for a moment and saw her already talking to the president. Wait isn't she suppose to be the person the president waited for? The only person I saw the president usually talks to would be Doyeon but this transfer as well?

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