Chapter 6 - Happy Birthday

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Morning rose on the 10 of January. Jisoon as usual woke up first but she quickly woke up Jesoon to great her.

Jennie slowly opened her eyes and she realized something. It was their birthday. "Happy birthday Jendeuk." Jisoo greeted with a sweet and sincere smile that her lips turned into a heart.

"Happy birthday to you too Jichu!" Jennie exclaimed rather excitedly as they are now officially 10 years old. This is where disaster was about to begin and pity the twins since they know nothing about it.

"Pardon me." A maid entered the room and the twins did what the maid said. Preparations were done just for their birthday and many people from different countries and kingdoms send their regards and greetings thru letter since they were too far to come.

"You look amazing Jen." Jisoo said rather astonished at her sister infront of her. "Thanks Jichu! You look great too!" Jennie said in reply as she saw her sister in an elegant purple dress.

The two were ready to eat breakfast with their parents but Jennie however was too eager that she ran through the halls and got scolded by a guard. Jisoo being the responsible one of the two immediately apologized for Jennie's behavior and now the two were eating at the dining table.

"Happy birthday Jisoon, Jesoon."GD greeted as he gave his twins presents. Ji-young gave his daughters a bird cage containing 2 white birds with a yellow feathered tip at their heads and a somewhat grey colored feathers for their wings.

 Ji-young gave his daughters a bird cage containing 2 white birds with a yellow feathered tip at their heads and a somewhat grey colored feathers for their wings

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"What kind of birds are these dad?" Jisoo asked as she was interested at the two birds. "They look so cute together! Just like me and Jisoo!" Jennie said as she looked in more closely at the birds.

Jisoo blushed a bit after hearing Jennie but she felt it isn't right liking her sister in a romantic way. "If only we weren't twins Jen then I would..." Jisoo thought before giving her attention back to her dad.

"That's a cockatiel pair Jisoon and the both of you must take care of them." GD stated as he opened the door of the cage and the birds started flying. "Wow so pretty!" Jennie said as the birds fly beautifully. "You own them now Jesoon." Dara said before calling in the birds back in the cage. "Impressive." Jisoo said.

Dara handed her gift and it was matching berets which the twins love. The twins still didn't exchange gifts yet since they think it wasn't the right time yet.

"Jisoon dear Chahee and Soojin are going to take you somewhere please make sure Jesoon is safe." Dara said as she called the twins favorite servants. "You can count on me mom." Jisoo said before leaving her seat.

"Jen wait for me!" Jisoo said as Jennie was running infront of her. It seemed like Jennie was very excited for today while Jisoo just wants to enjoy the day with her twin.

*After the day* (I don't know what to do)

"Soojin can you help me?" Chahee said carrying tons of amounts of bags from Jennie's shopping spree. "I'm so lucky Jisoo doesn't shop much." Soojin said sighing in relief before taking 2 bags from Chahee's grasp.

"How was your day girls." G-dragon said greeting his daughters that had just gotten home from what they were doing. "It was amazing dad!" Jennie said. "I didn't know which to get." Jisoo said lowering her head.

"The others are preparing for the party later tonight why don't you guys exchange gifts. We know you've been doing that since you guys were 5." Sandara said with a smile.

"Yeah! Let's go Jichu!" Jennie said before dragging Jisoo back to their room. "Ladies please prepare Jisoo's stuff." Sandara said with a sad voice. "Is this really going to be the last day I serve lady Jisoon?" Soojin said looking a bit sad. "We have no choice...we were being forced too..." Sandara said in a voice far too vulnerable.

"I'll miss her." Chahee said before patting Soojin. "Don't worry Soojin this doesn't mean we won't see Jisoo." She said hoping to comfort Soojin. "You're right Chahee I'll be packing her things now." Soojin said before leaving.

*Jisoo POV*

Jennie was dragging me to our room and I noticed how happy and eager she was just for today. It was something I want her to be forever. Happy, innocent, just herself really.

"Jen slow down." I whined as my risk started to hurt from her grip but I didn't mind. "Oh sorry I was too excited. We're at our room now." Jennie said before releasing me and now I can see a red mark around my wrist.

"Who's going to give first?" I asked and Jennie immediately pointed at me. "Just like always huh?" I said to myself before opening my side of the drawer to reveal a small box.

"Jichu!" Jennie exclaimed. "Are you giving me something small?" Jennie added. "It's not always what's on the outside Jendeuk." I said before giving Jennie the box and she pouted. "Fine I'll open it." She said before opening and it finally revealed a heart shaped necklace I got for her the other day.

"Wow! This is amazing Jichu! I love it thanks!" Jennie said showing me a gummy smile which I love. I helped Jennie put it on and she quickly opened her drawer to get a box just as small as mine.

"Did she got me the same thing?" I questioned myself. "Jichu promise me something." Jennie said. "Anything Jendeuk." I said. "Wear this when you grow up ok? If you won't I'll kill you." Jennie said in a rather terrifying voice which gave me goosebumps.

"Of course Jen." I said with a smile before she revealed an...engagement ring? "This is my gift Jichu! I hope you like it!" Jennie said before I chuckled. "Did she not know this is an engagement ring?" I thought before laughing again. "Hey what's so funny!" Jennie whined. "It's nothing Jen but why an engagement ring specifically?" I asked.

"It's still a ring right?" She replied like it's not a big deal. "Oh god Jen you didn't know?" I thought again in my head before accepting the gift. "Don't worry Jen. I'll treasure this ring until I grow up." I said which made Jennie happy.

"How hopeless can you be Jen? Well it isn't a bad present...I'll keep the promise." I thought before hugging Jennie to thank for the amazing gift.

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