Chapter 4 - Forgiveness

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Jisoo grabbed her coat and hat before leaving the palace to buy some flowers for Jennie. She really wanted to say sorry to Jennie but knowing Jisoo she doesn't really use words but actions instead.

Jisoo wandered the streets to finally find a flower shop that had the right flowers she needed.

Jisoo wandered the streets to finally find a flower shop that had the right flowers she needed

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Jisoo was looking for a bouquet of white tulips since it symbolizes forgiveness. She bought one and quickly headed to the palace and prayed she could make it on time.

Jisoo was confused. She looked around her room and didn't saw Jennie near in sight. The flowers are still intact which is good and Jisoo decided to roam around the place until she could find Jennie. Only to see her already cheered up with a person named Lalisa Manoban.

Jisoo somehow felt hurt but why? Did Jisoo had a sister complex? Either that or Jisoo just felt a sting of jealousy and a painful one too. Jisoo decided to leave the two alone and before Jennie could see Jisoo leaving Jisoo had already dissapeared through thin air.

Jisoo didn't want to throw away the flowers so she just placed them in a vace inside their room. Jisoo fell asleep tired and hurt. Little did she know it's about to get worst soon.

*Earlier Jennie POV*

I was running towards our room with tear falling down non-stop. I suddenly bumped into someone and to my surprise it was Lisa.

"Lady Jesoon?" She asked and my tears stopped for a moment. "Oh god this is embarrassing" I thought as I realized I was crying and not only that I bumped into her. "You looked like you need some comforting." She said smiling at me and I could feel heat come up to my cheeks.

I immediately forgot my fight with Jisoo and Lisa and I went to the garden and talked about my fight with Jisoo. Everything felt better as if the fight never happened and all because she was there.

"Oh Lisa I forgot. Please don't call me Lady Jesoon. Just...Jesoon. Honorifics suck." I said and she chuckled right when the best part of our conversation started it quickly ended since another girl with red hair interrupted.

"Rosie!" Lisa exclaimed and I felt a bit sad. She excused herself for the other girl and now I was left alone yet again. I felt a bit better atleast and now all I have to face is Jisoo.

I went to my room and saw a bouquet of white tulips in a vace. "Jisoo didn't bought it did she?" I thought since I'm not certain if Jisoo would excert that much effort for forgiveness. I'll end up forgiving her either way. As I went to the bed I saw her sleeping peacefully. It made my heart start pumping and I too slept after such an exhausting day.

*Jisoo POV*

I woke up from my sleep to see Jennie beside me hugging her stuffed toy. I wanted to ask her for forgiveness but I'll let her sleep first. She is the one enduring most pain. I sighed, did my routine, and ate breakfast without having a single interaction with Jennie and it seemed so weird and awkward.

I went back to my room and saw Jennie just staring at the flowers. "Hey do you know who did this?" She asked and I shook my head. I didn't know why I lied especially with the words in my head linger. "Why do I feel you don't trust me?".

I decided to do her hairstyle since it was one way for her to calm down. "I'm sorry about yesterday Jen." I said and she sighed. "I'm sorry too Jis...fighting isn't really our thing huh?" Sh replied. "Never was and never will be." I said with a husky voice and she hummed.

Just like that our fight got resolve and we still had that strong bond as siblings and bestfriends.

A few months has pass and next week will be our birthday. The both of us are excited and I was still left confused why Mrs. Moon didn't taught or even come here in the past few weeks. "Did she canceled?" I questioned myself but that didn't matter. All I'm preparing was the best gift for my mandu and yes I call her mandu because of her cheeks.

We went to the garden as usual and I learned how to make a flower crown so I made her one. "What do you think Mandu?" I said with a bright smile. "It looks pretty Jichu! I love it!" She smiled happily as she replied.

 "It looks pretty Jichu! I love it!" She smiled happily as she replied

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That gummy smile of hers gave light to my world. "I will dirty my hands so your smile remains Jendeuk." I thought as my eyes suddenly turned dark. I snapped out of it and continued playing with Jennie. "Why did I suddenly thought of that?" I asked myself as I enjoyed the sight of a very happy dumpling.

"Jisoo is there something wrong?" She ask. "Shoot did she see my eyes?" I asked myself. "Just that I'm excited for next week." I lied hoping to not raise any suspicion.

"Are you thinking of a gift for me?" She ask rather excitedly. I chuckled before answering. "Jennieyah~ that's something for you to know." Then she started pestering me non stop but I enjoyed it nonetheless.


"Ah I'm so tired." Jennie whined as she layed on the bed spreading both arms. "Wait for a minute I'll tell the maids to prepare a bath." I said as I signalled one to do it.

"Jichu you're so thoughtful." She said as she giggled. "Cute" my mind said and I couldn't agree more. "You're going to join me right?" She ask and I hummed in response. "You'll join me in the bath right? Just like old times." She said spreading a wide smile and I couldn't help but smile and agree. I thought.

"The things I do for a smile as bright as the sun."

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