Battle Scars, Sacred Hearts

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Hey love,

I hope your first week of classes went well. The apartment is so empty without your presence. Just become a degenerate drop out like George and I and come back home, yeah? The shop's doing well, surprisingly. We launched a new product too. It was a risk with everyone going back to school and with everything the Ministry has been saying, but it obviously paid off. It's a constipation potion called U-No-Poo. Thought it'd be right hilarious and a good way to show our support to Harry in his claims about you-know-who being back.

Take care. Don't let school stress you out too much. You got this.

Freddie bear

Hello darling,

It's been a month, and Fred and I still haven't heard from you. We hope you're okay. We also haven't heard from Ron or Ginny. The bloody hell is going on at that school? Even if it's just one word, please let us know you're alright. We'll bust down the castle doors if we have to just to know that you're safe. Maybe you're just too busy with classes. We know how difficult it can be in this year, but you got this. You always have, but you needn't go through anything alone. It kills us both we can't be there for you in person. We'd hoped these letters would be enough.

Maybe you've changed your mind about us.

Either way, we love you. Always. No matter what.



Are you lot dead?  You, Ron, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, even bloody Malfoy won't return any of our letters. It's not like we're sending them with Errol. We've got ourselves our own, fully sighted owl that's not as old as Dumbledore. I can't imagine every letter is getting lost along the way. Thanksgiving is approaching. I know you only get two days off, but I expected to hear from my siblings about them coming home. Mum's worried too. Dad said something about the school having a new DADA teacher from the Ministry. If the Ministry is in the school, that can't be good...Perhaps she's intercepting owls? I don't know what to believe, but I can't believe you would ever, ever just leave Georgie and I high and dry.

Come back to me. Come back to us.

Freddie bear

Hello darling,

Christmas break is a week away. We still haven't heard from you or anyone. It's wrong to assume you've ditched us considering we haven't heard from anyone, but it feels like we've lost you. Mum said her letters are getting through to Ron and Ginny, so I don't know what to believe about ours. Their letters don't really have a lot of information. Fred's getting nightmares again. He brushes them off, but I know they're about you. It was so bad one week that he hardly slept more than an hour or two each night. Kept coming into the shop and making all these careless mistakes. I crawled into bed with him one night and just held him. He's a wreck. So am I.

I'm just glad that through everything, we have each other. 



And then, it was Christmas break.

None of those letters ever made it to you. As Fred suspected, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Professor Umbridge, had been intercepting most all owls. If they didn't come with letters bearing emergent news or something directly from parents, she destroyed them.

Chaos Ensues - A Fred And George Weasley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now